Donkey Named Fred

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PICTURE THIS: The West 1800s, a farm somewhere remote.
Inside a cabin a very old man is having difficulties putting
on his socks. According to his accent he seems to be coming
from Ireland…

OLD MAN: Help me with my socks, my boots, my coat…

His son comes walking in…

SON: Yeah yeah… When dad calls, the son he starts running.

OLD MAN: You mean away? Don’t make fun of your old dad.
It may be sooner than you think he’ll be gone and no more.
And then of course you will cry.

SON: Ay, your doin’ okay, your ancient age considered…

OLD MAN: Righty, not a day sickness since we came here
 and not yet in dying condition too…

They put on socks, boots and some clothes.

OLD MAN: Now let’s go see the donkey…

Old men puts on his wintercoat. They walk outside
but outside it is full summer.

OLD MAN: Why didn’t you tell me it is summer?

Song Donkey Named Fred follows,
scene just follows the song’s lyric