Ik Wens Je (NL)

ik wens je bergen chocola rivieren vol met rode wijn die blauwe jurk van Maxima een overvloed aan zonneschijn ik wens je wijsheid, praal en pracht een glimlach en een perzikhuid een toekomst die altijd naar je lacht en je eigen psychotherapeut maar nu is er voetbal op TV ga weg … en neem je […]

Boots & Beans (EN)

His name was Paco Joe but they called him Boots & Beans While others ate their cakes their sweets their corn and greens Paco Joe did his food eating from the can For breakfast dinner supertime, anytime and then.. Eating on his own… [Not even taking of his gloves] Paco Joe, his beans and nobody […]

Pauline (EN)

Sometimes I sit and wonder How many stars are in the sky Sometimes I sit and wonder Till the beauty makes me cry Sometimes I’ll try and figure out How some people live with lies But when it comes down to why you love me You got me wonderin’all the time Pauline — Your the […]

You And Me And My Guitar (EN)

SAYS RAY (lyrics): This is a different kind of love song – a very special, very intimate one. I originally wrote the core lyric behind this song back in July of 2008. I was very happy when my good friend, singer/songwriter/musician/producer Johnny Hoeve picked it up and slotted it for production. I’ve totally fallen in […]