How Sweet Will Be My Sleep (EN)

What’s In A Song? – Volume One on Spotify

My mind is troubled, my heart is creamed
I’m worried about every blib that lights my radar screen
I don’t know why I’m anxious
I don’t why I feel this doubts
There’s little enough love in this world
without me putting my own flame out

How sweet how sweet
How sweet will be my sleep tonight
Knowing you be here with me

Shadows paint my window,
Nosferato darks my door
and though the sun is shining
he ain’t afraid no more

Banshees wail forlorn,
sirenes scream and call
I will never make the surface
in these waters deep I fall

How sweet how sweet
How sweet will be my sleep tonight
Knowing you be here with me

No imaginary castle
No wall of glass can hide
What I know when I feel naked
Outside your loving arms

Updated: May 18, 2024 — 10:46 am