Category: Latin

Sol Nenita (SP)

SOL NENITA is now also on Spotify, Itunes and all those other music sites! What’s In A Song? – Volume One on Spotify  One day at work while outside smoking a cigarette with a collegea of mine from Puorto Rico he pointed at the sun and said: look Sol Nenita (the sun in springtime […]

I Will Take You Away (EN)

I consider these pages to be about songdemos and not presentation of recordings. I already did these songdemos before the days of digital tools with a simple 4 track tapecorder and no help of a computer. As songdemos they can still be usefull, for better recording quality it needs complete updated recordings, which will simply […]

Pura Vida OK (EN)

I one day heard about pura vida and how it is used in Costa Rica for saying both hello and goodbye which gave me the idea for this song. I have always liked to do recordings with some latin influences so it was again a fun recording. Working with cowrites also learned me that whenever […]