You And Me And My Guitar (EN)

      You And Me And My Guitar - Bertram & Hoeve
SAYS RAY (lyrics): This is a different kind of love song – a very special, very intimate one. I originally wrote the core lyric behind this song back in July of 2008.

I was very happy when my good friend, singer/songwriter/musician/producer Johnny Hoeve picked it up and slotted it for production. I’ve totally fallen in love with the production that Johnny’s given it, too – he really captured the heart and soul of the lyric in this song that he has composed around it…and he did so in a way that simply lifts you right up and carries you along.

Special thanks to Johnny for all of his good work on this project…and now give the link on this page a click and give the song a listen – you’ll be glad that you did.

Hear song on

The three of us in my old car
You and me and my guitar
We’re drivin’ down the open road
To another town … another show
Another crowd another bar
Just you and me and my guitar

I play, I sing and I watch you smile
at me just like you do, my time on stage…
… It just flies… ‘cause I get lost in your eyes
After the show and after the bar,
baby it’s you and me
and my guitar, shining bright just like a star
You and me and my guitar

Driving home late at night
I reach out and hold you tight
All I need Is just us three
My guitar and you and me …
Just us three, the three of us In my old car
Driving home the three of us in my old car
You and me and my … guitar


Updated: July 5, 2021 — 9:18 pm