How Are You Now? (EN)

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      How Are You Now? - English lyric: Johnny Hoeve

Song by Roberto Carlos
English lyric: John Hoeve | Moonpub Music 2006
Version Portuguese: Daniela Mercury

How are you now?
Though much has changed since our days together
We both felt it was for the better
Didnt like myself or you no more

How are you now?
It may be strange but it feels stronger
and maybe we should be apart no longer
It doesn have to be like times before

Your tender touch is what I’ve missed
There were no other lips I’ve kissed
I must have known through all this time
– without you

And let me wake up holding you
And find our love unfolding new
No, out of sight ain’t out of mind
Not always…

Updated: July 6, 2021 — 12:49 am