
Now and then it is nice to move away from lyrics and songs and just do instrumental tunes. I’ve called these tunes “symphonetta’s” and when possible tried to use only orchestral sounds for the recordings, as if played by a (classical) orchestra. The aim for this Symphonetta project is 50 pieces of music. I don’t know of all 50 pieces will one day be completed but it’s interestingto try and might give a few nice ones  – who knows.

I decided to put up the developments of this project also – after all the Song Archive is about songwriting & homestudio recordings/projects and not music presentation rightaway. This also gives me an overview how this homestudio project is developing. So this list is mainly for myself to keep track of these Symphonetta’s. Some are finished for now, other’s still need a lot of work or only have their 1st sketch waiting for updates.

Thanks for listening! – Johnny