Take All That’s Mine (EN)

      Take All Thats Mine - Johnny Hoeve

I consider these pages to be about songdemos and not presentation of recordings. I already did these songdemos before the days of digital tools with a simple 4 track tapecorder and no help of a computer. As songdemos they can still be usefull, for better recording quality it needs complete updated recordings, which will simply take too much time that can better be spent on new songs.

The style and melodies and arrangements can still be recognised even with these early year recordings, so I decided to put up some of those also, those songtitles that don’t deserve to go into oblivion and never be heard of again. Here’s TAKE ALL THAT’S MINE – recorded halfway during the 1980s.


Click Tascam graphic for Playlist Early Recordings & Lyrics

Song by Johnny Hoeve
Tracks & Vocals: the same
Recording: Tascam 244 Porta
Moonpub Music, The Netherlands


Updated: June 21, 2023 — 4:25 pm