Playlist Troilus & Cressida | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page
Act One
Prologue: In Troy, there lies the scene. From isles of Greece
1.1 Call here my varlet; I’ll unarm again:
1.2 Who were those went by? Queen Hecuba and Helen.
1.3 Princes, What grief hath set the jaundice on your cheeks?
Act Two
2.1 Thersites! Agamemnon, how if he had boils?
2.2 After so many hours, lives, speeches spent,
2.3 How now, Thersites! what lost in the labyrinth of thy fury!
Act Three
3.1 Friend, you! pray you, a word:
3.2 How now! where’s thy master?
3.3 Now, princes, for the service I have done you,
Act Four
4.1 See, ho! who is that there? It is the Lord AEneas.
4.2 Dear, trouble not yourself: the morn is cold.
4.3 It is great morning, and the hour prefix’d
4.4 Be moderate, be moderate. Why tell you me of moderation?
4.5 Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair,
Act Five
5.1 I’ll heat his blood with Greekish wine to-night,
5.2 What, are you up here, ho? speak. [Within] Who calls?
5.3 When was my lord so much ungently temper’d,
5.4 Now they are clapper-clawing one another;
5.5 Go, go, my servant, take thou Troilus’ horse;
5.6 Troilus, thou coward Troilus, show thy head!
5.7 Come here about me, you my Myrmidons;
5.8 Most putrefied core, so fair without,
5.9 Hark! hark! what shout is that?
5.10 Stand, ho! yet are we masters of the field:
Playlist Troilus & Cressida | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page