The Sonnets

More Sonnets at Shakespeare Playhouse

The Sonnets

I decided not to put up each and every sonnet, there are
plenty of other sites with the texts of these sonnets and
I would like to direct you to Shakespeare Sonnets to read
both the texts and it’s commentaries. But I will add the
audio to it (Spotify & podcasts) and graphics (art) if I
happen to come across anything worthwhile adding.

You can find sonnets on the right sidebar which
should load a random sonnet every time you load a page.

In Ear Entertainment Shakespeare Sonnets

New!! Coming up!! Working on it!!

I should be able to do all sonnets using texttospeech technology. It won’t be all perfect and sounding all natural but might still be worth listening to. Here’s already a sample of that playlist of all these 154 sonnets. But will ofcourse take a long time when all is finished. Click the button on the right in the player to popup the sonnet’s text. I used several text2speech options you can find for free online – or their trial versions – and did audio edits for improvements where needed.

Updated: February 19, 2024 — 7:54 pm