Richard III | Sitemap

Playlist Richard III | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page

Act One

1.1 Now is the winter of our discontent

1.2 Set down, set down your honourable load,

1.3 Have patience, madam: there’s no doubt his majesty

1.4 Why looks your grace so heavily today?

Act Two

2.1 Why, so: now have I done a good day’s work:

2.2 Tell me, good grandam, is our father dead?

2.3 Neighbour, well met: whither away so fast?

2.4 Last night, I hear, they lay at Northampton;

Act Three

3.1 Welcome, sweet prince, to London, to your chamber.

3.2 What, ho! my lord! [Within]  Who knocks at the door?

3.3 Sir Richard Ratcliff, let me tell thee this:

3.4 Why we are met is, to determine of the coronation.

3.5 Come, cousin, canst thou quake, and change thy colour,

3.6 This is the indictment of the good Lord Hastings;

3.7 How now, my lord, what say the citizens?

Act Four

4.1 Who meets us here?  my niece Plantagenet

4.2 Stand all apart Cousin of Buckingham!

4.3 The tyrannous and bloody deed is done.

4.4 So, now prosperity begins to mellow

4.5 Sir Christopher, tell Richmond this from me:

Act Five

5.1 Will not King Richard let me speak with him?

5.2 Fellows in arms, and my most loving friends,

5.3 Here pitch our tents,  even here in Bosworth field.

5.4 Rescue, my Lord of Norfolk, rescue, rescue!

5.5 God and your arms be praised, victorious friends,


Playlist Richard III | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page

Updated: February 18, 2024 — 12:27 pm