Romeo and Juliet | Sitemap

Playlist Romeo and Juliet | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page

Act One

1.0 Two households, both alike in dignity,

1.1 Gregory, o’ my word, we’ll not carry coals.

1.2 But Montague is bound as well as I,

1.3 Nurse, where’s my daughter? call her forth to me.

1.4 What, shall this speech be spoke for our excuse?

1.5 Where’s Potpan, that he helps not to take away?

Act Two

2.0 Chorus: Now old desire doth in his death-bed lie,

2.1 Can I go forward when my heart is here?

2.2 Ho jests at scars, that never felt a wound

2.3 The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night,

2.4 Where the devil should this Romeo be?

2.5 The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse;

2.6 So smile the heavens upon this holy act,

Act Three

3.1 I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire:

3.2 Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,

3.3 Romeo, | come forth; come forth, thou fearful man:

3.4 Things have fall’n out, sir, so unluckily,

3.5 Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day:

Act Four

4.1 On Thursday, sir? the time is very short

4.2 So many guests invite as here are writ.

4.3 Ay, those attires are best: but, gentle nurse,

4.4 Hold, take these keys, and fetch more spices, nurse.

4.5 Mistress! what, mistress! Juliet! fast, I warrant her, she:

Act Five

5.1 If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep,

5.2 Holy Franciscan friar! brother, ho!

5.3 Give me thy torch, boy: hence, and stand aloof:


Playlist Romeo and Juliet | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page

Updated: February 18, 2024 — 3:52 pm