Page 47 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 47

64                                                       FOCUS                                                CLASS I.

                       Miscellany,               museum,               collec-       issue, deal out, utter, resperse,

                   tanray        menagerie,              Noah s ark,
                                                                                    intersperse, set abroach, circum
                   encyclopaedia, portfolio, a drag-                                fuse; to decentralise, demobilise.
                                                                                         ( Phrases). To turn adrift; to
                       A       multitude             (102),          orowd,         scatter to the winds; to sow

                  throng, rabble, mob, press, crush,                                broadcast; to spread like wild-
                  cohuey horde, posse, body, tribe,                                 fire.
                  crew, gang, knot, band, party,                                        ( Adjectives ). Unassembled, un-
                  swarm,            6hoal,          bevy,          galaxy, collected, dispersed, scattered,

                  covey, flock, herd, drove, corps, diffused, sparse, spread, dispread,
                  troop, troupe, squad, squadron, widespread, sporadic, cast, broad-

                  phalanx, platoon, company, regi                              -    cast, etc., adrift, dishevelled,
                  ment,          battalion,            legion,          host,      streaming, etc.
                  army, myrmidons. Store, see 636.                                      ( Adverbs ). Sparsim, here and
                      Clan, brotherhood, fraternity, there, passim.
                 sisterhood, party (712).

                      Volley, shower, storm, cloud,

                      Group, cluster, Pleiades, clump, set, batch, pencil, lot,
                 pack, budget, assortment, bunch, parcel, packet, package,
                 bundle, fascicle, fascicule, fasciculus, faggot, wisp, truss, tuft,
                 rosette, shock, rick, fardel, stack, sheaf, stook.

                      Accumulation, congeries, heap, hoard, lump, pile, rouleau,
                 tissue, mass, pyramid, bale, drift, snow-ball, acervation,

                 cumulation, glomeration, agglomeration, conglobation, con                                                        -
                 glomeration, conglomerate,                            coacervation, aggregation, con-
                 centration,             congestion,               Pelion          upon                                           ,
                 omnium gatherum. See Convergence (290).                                                      spicilegium

                     Collector, tax-gatherer, whip, whipper-                                  in.
                     ( Verbs ). To assemble, collect, muster, meet, unite, cluster,
                flock,        herd, crowd, throng,                           associate, congregate, con-
                glomerate, congest,                     rendezvous, resort, flock together, get
                together, reassemble.

                    To bring, get or gather together, collect, draw together                                                      ,
                group, convene,                    convoke, convocate, collocate, colligate,

                round up, scrape together, rake up, dredge, bring into a focus,
                amass, accumulate, heap up, pile, pack, do up, stack, truss,
                pack together, congest, acervate, agglomerate, garner up,
                lump together, make a parcel of ; to centralise; to mobilise.

                    ( Phrases ).To heap Pelion upon Ossa; to collect in a drag-                                             net.

                    ( Adjectives ). Assembled, collected, etc., undispersed, met
                together, closely packed, dense, crowded, huddled together,
                teeming, swarming, populous.

                    ( Phrase ). Packed like sardines.

                    74. Place of meeting.
                    Focus (Substantives), point of convergence, corradiation, rendez-

               vous, headquarters, club, centre (222), gathering-place, meeting-
               place, trysting-place, resort, museum, repository, depot (636). Home
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