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P. 49

66                     CONFORMITY—                             UNCONFORMITY                                   CLASS I.

                     ( Verbs ), To be general, com                           -        I, myself , self, I myself, moi
                mon, or prevalent, to prevail.
                    To render general, to generalise.                            qui vous parte,
                                                                                     (Verbs ), To specify,
                    ( Adjectives ). General,                   generic, larise,                    individualise,                particu      -
                collective,            comprehensive,                   en- specialise, designate,                                realise,
                cyclopaedic,             sweeping,              radical,             ( Phrases),                           determine.
                                                                                                          To descend to par-
                universal,            world-      wide,          cosmo      -    ticulars; to enter into detail.

                politan, catholic, common, oecu                             -        ( Adjectives),          Special,           particu-
                menical,            transcendental,                   pre- lar, individual, specific, proper,

               valent , prevailing, all-pervading, personal, private, respective, de-
               all-inclusive.                                                   finite, determinate, especial, cer-
                    Unspecified, impersonal.                                    tain, esoteric, endemic, partial,

                   ( Adverbs ),         Whatever,              whatso       -   party,          peculiar,           characteristic,

               ever, generally, universally, on typical, unique, diagnostic, ex                                                             -
               the whole, for the most part.
                                                                                clusive, sui generis, singular, ex                          -
                                                                                ceptional (83). This, that, yonder,
                                                                                yon, such and such.

                                                                                    ( Adverbs ),         Specially,              specifi    -
                                                                                cally, etc., in particular, respec-
                           tively,         personally,             individually, in propria persona, ad

                               Each, apiece, one by one, severally, seriatim, videlicet,
                           viz., to wit.

                                        5  ° . ORDER AS REGARDS CATEGORIES

                  80. RULE (           Substantives), regu ,                       81. MULTIFORMITY                         (Substan        -
             laritv,         uniformity,               constancy, fires), variety, diversity, multi-

             standard, model,                     nature, prin            -   fariousness, allotropy ,

             ciple, the order of tilings, routine,                                 ( Adjectives ), Multiform, poly                         -
             prevalence,                 practice,              usage, morpbic,                     multifold,             manifold,
             custom, use, habit (013), regu                               - multifarious, multigenorous, om-
             lation, convention,                    convenances , nifarious, heterogeneous, motley,

                 Form, formula, law,                          canon, epicene,                    indiscriminate             ,    desul-
            principle, key-note,                    catchword.                tory, irregular, diversified, alio-

                Type, pattern, precedent, para- tropic ,
            digm, the normal,                      natural, or-            i      ( Phrases ). El hoc genus omne ;

            dinary or model state or con- of all sorts and kinds; and what
            dition, norm.                                                    not ? de omnibus rebus et qui-
                ( Phrases ). A standing dish ; the busdam altis.

            Procrustean law ; laws of                               the
            Medes and Persians.

               82. CONFORMITY (Substantives),                                    83. UNCONFORMITY                         ( Substan-
           conformance,               observance, natur

           alisation, harmony.                                          - tives), informality, arbitrariness                              ,
               Example, instance, specimen,                                  malv     ,    anomalousness,                    lawless-
          sample,             ensatuple,              exemplar, ness, peculiarity, exclusiveness                                         ,
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