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SEC. IV.              CONFORMITY—                             UNCONFORMITY                                                 67

        exemplification, illustration,                        case infraction,                    breach,             violation,
        in point, quotation the rule.                                    etc., of law or rule, eccentricity,
            ( Phrases ) The order of the day;                            aberration, irregularity, uneven-
        the common or ordinary run of                                    ness, variety, singularity, oddity,
        things ( see 23); matter of course;                              oddness, exemption, salvo.
        “ familiar matter of to-day.”                                        Exception, nondescript, a char                           -
            ( Verbs ). To conform to rule,                               acter, nonesuch, monster, mon-

        be regular, to bo orthodox, etc.,                                strosity,          prodigy            (872),         hunt#
        to follow, observe, go by, bend                                  naturoB, rara avis, freak, curiosity,
        to, obey rules, to be guided or                                  queer fish, half caste, half - breed,
        regulated by, be wont, etc. (613),                               cross breed, 7nitis, mongrel, hy                             -
        to chime in with, to be in har                              -    brid, mule, mulatto (41), tertium

        mony           with,         follow          suit;        to     quid, hermaphrodite, sport.
        standardise, naturalise.                                             Phcenix,              chimera,                hydra,

            ( Phrases).Hurler avec les letups;                           sphinx, minotaur, grillin, centaur,
        to do in Rome as the Romans do;                                  hippocentaur,                hippogritf,             trag    -
        to swim with the stream.                                         elaph,          kraken,            dragon,             sea   -

            To exemplify, illustrate, cite,                              serpent, mermaid, unicorn, etc.
        quote, put a case, produce an                                        { Phrases). Out of                    one s ele          -
        instance, etc., to set an example.                               ment; a fish out of water ; neither

            ( Phrase ) To keep one in coun                           -   one nor another; neither fish,
        tenance.           *                                             flesh, nor fowl, nor good red

            ( Adjectives ) Conformable                            to herring; a law to oneself.
        rule, regular, uniform, constant,                                    ( Verbs). To be unconformable
        steady, according to rule, selon                                 to rule, to be exceptional; to

        les rlgles, de rlgle, en rbjle, de                               stretch a point.
        rigueur, normal, well regulated,                                     ( Phrases). To have no business
        formal, canonical, orthodox, con                             -   there; to beggar description.
         ventional, strict, rigid, positive,                                 ( Adjectives).              Unconformable,
         uncompromising, see 23.                                         exceptional,             abnormal, anomal-

             Orduiary, natural, usual, com                           -   ous,    anomalistic, out of order, out

         mon, wonted, accustomed, habit                              -   of place misplaced, irregular, un-
         ual, household, average, every                              -   even, arbitrary, informal, aber-

        day, current,                  rife, prevailing,                 rant,      stray, peculiar, exclusive,
         prevalent, established, received,                               unnatural,            eccentric, unconven                   -
        acknowledged, typical, accep                           ted, tional,           Bohemian.

         recognised, representative, hack                           -        Unusual,            unaccustomed,                   un   -
         neyed,          well     -  known,           familiar,          wonted,          uncommon, rare, singu-

         vernacular, commonplace, trite,                                 lar, unique, curious, odd, extra-
         banal, cut and dried,                  naturalised,             ordinary, strange, outri, out of
        orderly, stereotyped, cliche.                                    the way, egregious, out of the

             Exemplary,                 illustrative,             in     ordinary,            unheard             of,      queer,
         point,        of     daily         or every day                 quaint,          old-fashioned,                nondes-
        occurrence, in the order of things.                              cript,       undescribed, unexampled,

            ( Phrases ). Regular                   us clock         -    sui generis, unprecedented, un-
        work ; being in the order of the
        day.                                                             paralleled,          unfamiliar, fantastic,
                                                                                                   grotesque, bizarre,
            ( Adverbs ). Conformably                       *     by weird, eerie, outlandish, exotic,
        rule, regularly, etc., agreeably to. preternatural,                                           unexampled, un                 -
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