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         SEC. V.                                             ACCOMPANIMENT                                                          69

         computation, supputation, ciphering, calculation, calculus, algorism,
              Arithmetic, analysis, algebra, fluxions, differential and integral

             Statistics: dead reckoning, muster, poll, census, capitation, roll-

         call, muster-roll, account, score, recapitulation, demography.
             Operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, re-
         duction, involution, evolution, practice, approximation, interpola-

         tion, differentiation, integration.

             Instruments: abacus, logometer, ready-reckoner, eliding-rule,
         tallies, Napier s bones, tabulator, tot, cash-register, etc,
             ( Verbs ). To number, count, tell, tally, call over, take an account

         of , enumerate, muster, poll, run over, recite, recapitulate; sum, sum
         up, tell off, score, cipher, compute, calculate, reckon, estimate, figure
         up, tot up; add, eubtract, etc., to amount to.

             Check, prove, demonstrate, balance, audit, overhaul, take stock.
             ( Adjectives). Numerical, arithmetical, logarithmic, numeral , ana-
         lytic, algebraic, statistical, computable, calculable, commensurable,

             ( Phrase ). According to Cocker.

             88. LIST ( Substantives ), catalogue, inventory, schedule, register,

         record (551), account, registry, syllabus, roll, terrier, tally, file,
         muster-roll, bead-roll, panel, calendar, index, table, book, ledger,

         day-book, synopsis, catalogue raisonni, bibliography, contents,
         invoice, bill of lading, bill of fare, menu, red book, peerage, baron-
         etage, AImanacJi de Gotha, cadastre, prospectus, programme, di                                                               -
         rectory, gazetteer, who s who.
             Registration, etc. (651).

                                             20. DETERMINATE NUMBER

             87. UNITY ( Substantives), uni-                                  88.     ACCOMPANIMENT ( Substan

         fication, oneness, individuality,                                tives),     coexistence, concomitance

        eingleneaa, solitariness, solitude, company,                                              association,                com
         isolation, abstraction; monism. panionship, partnership, collator
             One, unit, ace.                                              ation,      copartnership, coefficiency

            Someone, somebody, no other,                                      Concomitant, accessory                           (39)
        none else, an individual; monist.                                 coefficient,            companion,                attcn

            ( Verbs ). To be alone, etc. ; to iso- dant, fellow, associate, consort
        late, insulate, set apart; to unify. spouse, colleague, collaborator
             ( Adjectives ). One, sole, single,                           partner, copartner, satellite, es
        individual, apart, alone, lone, cort, hanger-on, parasite, shadow

        isolated, solitary, lonely, lone-                                 travelling tutor, chaperon, duen

        some, desolate, dreary, insular,                                 na.
        insulated, disparate, discrete, de-                                   ( Verbs ). To accompany, cha
        tached; monistic.                                                peron, coexist , attend, be asso
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