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P. 43

                  6o                              PRECEDENCE SEQUENCE                                                           CLASS I.

                       Analysis, sifting, classification. broilment, corrugation (258), in-
                       Result of arrangement: digest, version (218), jumble, muddle.

                  synopsis,              analysis,            syntagma,                 ( Verbs ). To derange, disar-
                  table, register (551).                                            range, misplace, mislay, discom                            -

                       Instrument for sorting: sieve, pose, disorder, embroil, unsettle,

                  riddle, screen (200).                                             disturb, confuse, perturb, jumble,
                      ( Verbs ). To order, reduce to tumble, huddle, shuffle, muddle,
                  order, bring into order, introduce toss, hustle, fumble, riot ; dis-
                  order into.                                                       arrange, bring, put, or throw

                      To       arrange,            dispose,           place,        into disorder, trouble, confusion,

                  form; to put, set, place, etc., in                               etc., break the ranks, upset.
                  order; to set out, collocate, pack,                                   To unhinge, put out of joint,
                  marshal, range, aline (or align),                                 turn over, invert; turn topsy                              -

                  rank, group, parcel out, allot, dis                          -   turvy; turn inside out                             (218),
                  tribute, assort, sort, sift, riddle.                             bedevil, throw out of gear.

                      ( Phrases ). To put or set to                                     To complicate, involve, per-
                  rights; to assign places to.                                     plex. tangle,                 entangle,            ravel,

                      To class, classify, file, string,                            ruffle, tousle, rumple, dishevel.
                  tabulate, register, take stock.                                  Litter, scatter, make a mess of.

                      To       methodise, digest,                     regu     - monkey with, make hay of.
                 late, grade, gradate, graduate,                                       ( Adjectives). Deranged, etc.
                 organise, settle, fix, rearrange.                                 see 59.

                     To unravel (240), disentangle,                              i     Irreducible          ,
                 ravel, card, disembroil.

                     ( Adjectives ). Arranged, method                         -
                 ical, etc. ( see 58), embattled, in
                 battle array.

                                                        2 . CONSECUTIVE ORDER

                     62.        PRECEDENCE                    ( Substan       -        63. SEQUENCE                    ( Substantives          )
                tives), coming before, anteced                                -   coming after, consecution suc-
                 ence, priority,              anteriority, ante-                  cession, posteriority, secondari-
                cedency, the pas, the lead.                                       ness.

                    Superiority                (33),        precession                 Runner- up.

                (2S0).                                                                 ( Phrase ). Proxime accessit.
                     ( Verbs ). To precede, come be-                                  Continuation, order of succes-
                fore, lead, introduce, usher in.                                  sion, successiveness.

                    ( Phrases ). To havo the pas;                                     Subordination, inferiority (34).
                to take the lead ; to get the start;                                  Alternation (138).
                set the fashion; to get before.                                       ( Verbs ). To                succeed,           come

                    To place before; to prefix, affix, after, follow, come next, ensue                                                        ,

                premise, prelude, preface, pro- come on, tread close upon; to
                logise.                                                           alternate.

                    To prepare ( 673).                                         !      ( Phrases ). To be in the wake

                    ( Adjectives ). Preceding,                     piece- j or trail of ; to tread on the heels
                dent, antecedent, anterior, prior, of ; to step into the shoes of ; to

                provioua, before, ahead of, lead                             - play second fiddle to.
                mg.                                                                   To place after, to suffix,append.
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