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68                                                NUMERATION                                                  CLASS I.

                     Usually, generally, ordinarily, representative,                                                uncanny,              de-
                 commonly, for the most part, as naturalised.
                 usual, ad instar, instar omnium,                                     Heterogeneous,                       heteroclite,

                 more solito, more suo, pro more.
                                                                                  amorphous, out of the pale of ,
                     Of course, as a matter of course, mongrel,                                       amphibious,                epicene,
                 pro forma.                                                       half -blood, hybrid (41 ), androgy-

                     Always, uniformly, invariably, nous, betwixt and between.
                 without exception, never other-                                      ( Phrases ). Unlike                   what          the
                 wise.                                                            world ever saw; without a paral-

                     For example, par eTemple, for                                lel ; “    none but himself could be
                instance,            exempli           gratia,        inter       his parallel ”; fallen from the

                alia, to wit, namely, videlicet,
                                                                                  clouds; caviar to the general.
                that is to say.
                                                                                      ( Adverbs). Except, unless, save,
                     ( Phrases ). Ah uno disce omves ;
                                                                                  barring, beside, without, but for,
                cela va sans dire ; birds of                                a    save and except, let alone, to say

                feather; noscitur a sociia.                                      nothing of.
                                                                                      However, yet, but, unusually.

                                                                                      ( Phrases ). Never was eeen, or
                                                                                 heard, or known the like.

                                                     SECTION V.—NUMBER

                                                i . NUMBER IN THE ABSTRACT
                    84. NUMBER                 (Substantives), symbol, numeral, flgure, cipher,

               digit, integer, counter, a round number, notation, a formula;

                   Sum, difference, complement, product, factorial, multiplicand,
               multiplier,             multiplicator,                coefficient,            multiple,            least        common

               multiple, greatest common multiple, dividend, divisor, factor,

               highest common factor, quotient, sub-multiple, fraction, numerator,
               denominator, decimal,
                                                               circulating decimal,                       recurring decimal,
               repetend, common measure, aliquot part, reciprocal , prime number;
               permutation, combination, election.

                   Ratio, proportion , progression (arithmetical, geometrical, har-
               monical), percentage.

                   Power, root, exponent, index, function, logarithm , antilogarithm;
              differential, integral , fluxion, fluent.
                   ( Adjectives ). Numeral, complementary, divisible, aliquot, recipro-

              cal, prime, fractional , decimal, factorial, etc., fractional , mixed,

                   Proportional ,             exponential, logarithmic, logometric, differential                                             ,

              fluxional, integral.
                  Positive, negative, rational, irrational, surd , radical, real, im-
              aginary, impossible.

                  85. NUMERATION ( Substantives ), numbering, counting, tale, telling,
              tally, calling over, recension,                           enumeration, summation, reckoning,

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