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P. 44

BEGINNING—                         END                                            61

       SEC. IV,

            Former, foregoing; coming or                                     (Adjectives). Succeeding, com                            -
       going before; precursory, pre-                                    ing after, following, subsequent,

       cursive, prevenient, preliminary, ensuing,                                            sequent,             sequacious,

        prefatory,           introductory,                prelu     -    consequent, next; consecutive;
       sive, prelusory, proernial, pre-                                  alternate (138).

        paratory, preambulatory.                                             Latter, posterior.

            ( Adverbs ), In advance, ahead,                                  ( Adverbs ). After, subsequently,

       etc., in front of, before, in the since, behind, in the wake of, in
        van, see 234.                                                    the train of, at the tail of, iu

                                                                         the rear of, see 235.

            64. PRECURSOR Substantives),                                     65. SEQUEL (Substantives),
       antecedent,               predecessor           ,     fore-       after part, aftermath, suffix, suc                           -
       runner, pioneer outrider, avant                              -    cessor, tail, queue, train, wake,
       courier,             leader,             bell-wether,             trail, rear, retinue, suite, appen                           -
       harbinger.                                                        dix       (39),       postscript, epilogue,

            Prelude,            preamble,              preface,          excursus,              after     -  piece,          after    -
       foreword, prologue, avant propos,                                 thought, second thoughts, codicil,

        protasis,          prolusion,             preludium,             continuation, sequela, apodosis.
        proem, prolepsis, prolegomena,                                       ( Phrases ). More last words; to

        prefix, introduction                  , note, ad            -    be continued.
        vertisement, frontispiece, ground                           -
        work (673).

            ( Adjectives ). See 62.

            66. BEGINKING (Substantives)                                     67. END (Substantives), close,
       commencement, opening, outset,                                    termination, desinence, conclu                               -
        incipience, inception, inchoation, sion, finish, finis, finale, period,

        initiative,           overture,           exordium, term, terminus, last, omega, ex                                           -
        inauguration, onset, brunt, alpha. treme,                                      extremity, butt-               end, fag-
            Origin, source, rise, birth, in-                             end, stub, tail, nib, after- part, rear
       fancy, bud, embryo, rudiment,                                     (235),      colophon, coda, tail-                   piece,

        incunabula, start, cradle, starting                         -    tag, cul - de - lampe, peroration,
        point, starting-post, see Depart- swan-                                     song, bonne-bouche.
        ure (293).                                                           Completion (729), winding-up,

            Van,          vanguard,                title-   page,        denouement,               catastrophe,                con    -
        heading, front (234), fore-                         part,        summation,                  finishing            stroke,
        head ( 210).                                                     death blow, coup de grdee, up-

            Dawn, morning (                125).                         shot, issue, fate, doom, Day of
            Opening, entrance, entry, inlet, Judgment, doomsday.

        orifice, porch, portal, portico,                                     ( Phrases). The ne plus ultra ;
        gateway,            door, gate,               postern, the fall of the curtain ; the turning

        wicket,            threshold,               vestibule,           point; le commenceme7itde lafin
        mouth, fauces, chops, chape, lips.                                   ( Verbs ). To end, close, finish,

            ( Phrase ). The               rising        of     the expire, terminate, conclude; come
       curtain.                                                          or draw to an end, close or stop;

            ( Verbs ). To begin, commence, to pass away; to give out, peter
       inchoate, rise, arise,                       originate,           out; to run its course; to say one’s
        initiate, open, dawn, set in, take say, perorate, be through with.
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