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P. 45

62                      CONTINUITY—DISCONTINUITY                                                               CLASS I.

                   its rise, enter upon, set out (293),                                  To come last, bring up the rear.
                   recommence, to undertake (076).                                       To bring to an end, close, etc.,

                       To usher in, to lead off, lead to put a period, etc., to; to make
                   the way, take the lead or the an end of ; to close, finish, seal,
                   initiative; head, stand at the etc.,                                          to      wind          up,       complete,
                   head, stand first; broach, set on achieve (729), crown, determine.

                  foot, set a-going, set abroach, set                                    ( Phrases). To cut the matter
                  up, institute, launch, strike up.                                 short ; to shut up shop.
                                                                                -        ( Adjectives). Ending,                     closing,
                       ( Phrases ). To make a begin
                  ning ; break ground; set the ball etc., final, terminal, desistivc,
                  in motion ; take the initiative; definitive, crowning.
                  break the ice; fire away; open                                        Last,         ultimate, penultimate,
                  the ball ; tee off ; pipe up.                                     antepenultimate,                       hindermost,

                      \ Adjectives ). Beginning,                       com     -    rear, caudal, conterminal, con-

                  mencing, arising, initial, initia                            - terminous.
                  tory, initiative, incipient, pro-                                     Ended, closed, terminated etc.
                  emial, inaugural, inchoate, in                               -       Unbegun,fresh, uncommenced.
                 choative,               embryonic,                  primi-            ( Adverbs ). Once for all; finally,
                 genial,          aboriginal,             rudimental, for good, for good and all.

                 nascent, natal, opening, dawning,

                      First, foremost, leading, head                          -                             ~       ~~
                 ing, maiden (e.g. maiden speech ).
                     Begun, commenced, etc.

                     ( Adverbs ). At, or in the beginning; first, in the first place,
                 imprimis, first and foremost, in limine, in the bud, in embryo.
                     From the beginning, ab initio; ab ovo; ab incunabulis.

                     68. MIDDLE (              Sxibstantives), mean, medium, happy medium via
                mexlia, middle term, centre (223), mezzo terming juste milieu.
                half way house, nave, navel, omphalos, nucleus.
                    Equidistance, midst, equator, diaphragm, midriff ; bisection                                                        (91).
                    Intervenience, interjacence, intervention (228), mid-course (628).
                    ( Adjectives ). Middle,                   medial, median, mean, mid, middlemost                                           ,

                midmost, mediate,                   intermediate (29), intervenient, interjacent (228),
                central ( 222), equidistant, embosomed, merged.
                    Mediterranean, equatorial.

                    ( Adverbs ). In the middle, amid, amidst, midway, amidships,
                midships, half - way.
                    ( Phrases ). In the thick of ; in mediis rebus.

                   69. Uninterrupted sequence.                                        70. Interrupted sequence.

                   CONTI N U I T Y                 ( Substantives ),                 DISCONTINUITY ( Substantives                            ),
               consecution,               succession,              suite, interruption, pause, period inter-
               progression, series, train, chain, regnum,                                            break,         interval       , cut,
               catenation, concatenation, scale, gap, fracture, chasm, hiatus (198),
              gradation,               course,           procession, caesura, parenthesis, rhapsody                                          ,
              column, retinue, cortege, caval- anacoluthon.

              cade, rank and file, line of battle,                                   Intermission, alternation                       , see
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