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SEC. IV.             ARRANGEMENT—                                  DERANGEMENT                                             59

            ( Adjectives ). Orderly, regular,                                Turmoil, m&l£e, tumult, fer-
        in order, arranged, etc. (60), in ment, 6tew, fermentation, pud                                                                -
        ita proper place, tidy, shipshape, der,                                        pother,            riot,         rumpus,
        en regie, well regulated, method-                                scramble, fracas, vortex, whirl-

        ical, business-           like, uniform, sym                 -   pool,         maelstrom,                hurly-burly,

        metrical, systematic, unconfused, bear-garden, Babel, Saturnalia,
        undisturbed           , u n t a n g l e d, un                -   pandemonium.
        ruffled, unravelled, still, etc. (265).                              Tumultuousness,                      riotousness,
            ( Phrase ). In apple-pie order.                              inquietude (173).

                                    rstematically, etc.,
                                                                             ( Phrases ). Rudis
             ( Adverbs ). S }
        in turn, in its turn.                                            moles ;          confusion              worse          con-
            Step by step, by regular steps, founded; most admired disorder;
        gradations, stages, periods, or concordia
        intervals, periodically 138).                                    loose.               discors;            hell       broke
             At stated periods (138), gra-
                                                                              A pretty kettle of fish ; all the
        datim, seriatim.                                                 fat in the fire; le dtable d quatre ;

                                                                         the devil to pay.

                                                                              Derangement (61), inversion of

                                                                              Topsy        -  turvy          (218),         hocus-

                          ( Phrases ). The cart before the horse; hysieron proteron.

                          ( Verbs ). To be out of order, irregular, disorderly, etc., to
                     ferment misplace.
                          To put out of order (61).
                          ( Phrases ). To fish in troubled waters; to make hay of.

                          ( Adjectives ). Disorderly, orderless, out of order, misplaced,
                      out of place, deranged, disarranged (61), irregular, desultory,

                      anomalous, untidy, tousled, straggling, unarranged, im                                                          -
                      methodical,               unsymmetrical,                  unsystematic,                unmet hodieal,
                      undigested, unsorted, unclassified, unclassed, asymmetrical.

                          Disjointed, out of joint, out of gear, confused, tangled,

                      involved, fumbled, inextricable,                            irreducible.
                          Mixed, scattered, promiscuous,                             indiscriminate, casual.
                          Tumultuous, turbulent, riotous,                                   troublous, tumultuary
                     (173), rough-and-tumble.

                          ( Adverbs ). Irregularly, etc., by fits and snatches, pell-                                         mell;
                      higgledy        -  piggledy; at sixes and sevens; helter skelter;
                     harum-        scarum, in a ferment, at cross purposes; d batons
                     rompus; anyhow.

             CO. Reduction to Order.                                          61. Subversion of Order, bring                          -

             ARKANOKMENT                    ( Substantives ), ing into disorder.
        disposal, disposition,                   collocation,                DERANGEMENT                     ( Substantives          ),
        allocation, distribution,                       sorting, disarrangement, Disarrangement ,
        assortment,               allotment,              appor     -    displacement,              misplacement dis-
        tionment,               marshalling,                aline- composure, disturbance, bedevil-

        ment, taxis, taxonomy, gradation, ment,                                         disorganisation,                  pertur-
        organisation, ordination.                                        bation, shuffling, rumpling, em-
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