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P. 46

SEC. IV.                    ASSEMBLAGE—                             DISPERSION                                             63

         array, pedigree, genealogy, line                            -    Periodicity               (138);          a       broken
         age, race.                                                       thread, broken melody.
             File, queue, echelon, line, row,                                 ( Verbs ). To be discontinuous,
         range, tier, string, thread, team, etc.; to alternate, intermit.

         tandem, suite, colonnade.                                            To discontinue, pause, inter                             -

             ( Verbs). To follow in a series, rupt, break, interpose (228); to

         etc.; to form a series, etc.; to break in upon, disconnect (44);
         fall in.                                                         to break or snap the thread.

             To arrange in a series, to mar                          -        ( Adjectives ). Discontinuous, in-
         shal, etc. (60); to string together, consecutive, broken, interrupted,

         file, thread, graduate, tabulate. desultory, dAcousu, disconnected,

             (  Adjectives ). Continuous,                         se-     unconnected, rhapsodical, spas-
         quent, consecutive, progressive, modic, sporadic, scattered.

         serial, successive, continued, un                           -        Alternate, every other, inter-
         interrupted,              unbroken,               entire, mitting, alternating (138).
         linear, in a line, in a row, etc.,                                   ( Phrase ). Few and far between.
         gradual, unintermitting (110).                                       ( Adverbs ). At               intervals,             by

             (  Adverbs ). Continuously, con                         -    snatches, per saltum, by fits and
         secutively, etc., seriatim ; in a starts, longo intervallo.

         line, in a string, in a row, series,

         etc., in succession, etc., running,
         gradually, step by step; unin                               -
         terruptedly,              at      a stretch,              at
         one go.
             ( Phrase ). In Indian file.

             71. TERM (Substantives), rank, station, stage, step, rung (of a
         ladder), degree ( 26), remove, grade, link, place, point, pas, period,
         pitch, stand, standing, footing, range.

             ( Verbs). To hold, occupy, find, fall into a place, station.

                                                 30  . COLLECTIVE ORDER

             72. ASSEMBLAGE ( Substantives ), l                               73. NON-ASSEMBLAOE.
         collection,             dozen,          collocation,                 DISPERSION                     ( Substantives           ),
         levy, gathering, ingathering, mus- scattering, dissemination, diffu-

         ter, round-up, colligation, con                             -    sion, dissipation, spreading, cast-
         tesseration, attroupement, asso-                                 ing, distribution, apportionment                             ,
         ciation, concourse, conflux, meet-                               sprinkling,             respersion,             circum-

         ing,         assembly,               congregation, fusion, interspersion, diverge11eo
         levee, club, reunion, soiree, con                           -    (291), demobilisation.

         versazione, accumulation, cumu                              -        Odds         and        ends,         waifs and
         lation, array, mobilisation.                                    strays, flotsam and jetsam.
             Congress,             convocation,                con   -        ( Verbs ). To disperse, scatter,

         vention, comitium,                       committee, sow, disseminate, diffuse, shed,
         quorum, conclave, synod, caucus, spread, overspread, dispense, dis                                                            -

        conventicle, posse, posse comi                               -    band,         distribute,             dispel,         cast
        tatus, eisteddfod, mass-meeting. forth; strewT, bestrew, sprinkle                                                              ,
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