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P. 41

58                                      ORDER—DISORDER                                                         CLASS I.

                      To enter into the composition                                 slur over, neglect (460), excom                             -
                  of, to be or form part of (51), to                                municate,              banish,           expatriate,
                  merge in, be merged in.                                           ostracise, relegate, send down
                      ( Adjectives).              Comprehending,                    (207), rule out.

                  containing, including, compris-                                       To eliminate, weed, winnow,
                  ing, etc.                                                         bar, separate (44), strike off.

                      Component, constituent, form                             -        ( Adjectives). Excluding, omit                         -

                  ative, forming, constituting, com                            -    ting, etc., exclusive.
                  posing, etc., entering into, being                                    Excluded, omitted, etc., unre                          -
                  or forming part of, etc., belonging                               counted, inadmissible.
                  to, appertaining to, inclusive.                                       ( Adverbs). Exclusive of, bar                          -

                                                                                    ring, etc., excepting.

                      56. COMPONENT (Substantives),                                     57. EXTRANEOUSNESS                            (Sub     -

                 component part, integral part, stantiues), foreign body, alien,
                 element, constituent, ingredient, stranger, intruder, outsider, inter                                                        -

                 member, limb                    (51 ), part and loper, foreigner, norms homo, a
                 parcel, contents                    (190), appur              -   new comer, * a new chum, a
                 tenancc.                                                          Johnny Newcome, a tenderfoot.

                                                                                        ( Adjectives). Extraneous, for
                                                                                   eign, alien, interloping.                                  -

                                                                                       ( Adverbs ). Abroad, in foreign
                                                                                   parts, overseas.

                                                    SECTION IV.—                          ORDER

                                                        i °. ORDER IN GENERAL

                     58. ORDER ( Substantives ), regu                         -        59. Absence, or want of Order,
                larity,         orderliness,              uniformity, etc.
                even tenor, symmetry.                                                  DISORDER               (Substaniives ), ir-
                    ( Phrase ). Lucidus ordo.                                     regularity, asymmetry                     , anomaly,

                    Gradation, progression, pedi                             -    confusion, confusedness , disarray,
                gree, line, descent,               subordination, jumble, huddle, litter, lumber,
                course,        arraj \ routine.                                   farrago, mess, muddle, mix-                            up,
                    Method, disposition,                       arrange- upset,                    bodge podge,                    hugger-
                ment, system, economy, disci                                 -    mugger, anarchy, anarchism, im-
                piine, plan.                                                      broglio, chaos, tohu-                    bohu, om-

                    Rank, station, hierarchy, place, nium                                      gatherum               (41),       disjecta
               status, stand, scale, step, stage, membra.

               period, term (71), footing; rank                                      Complexedness,                      complexity          ,
               and file.                                                         complication,                 intricacy,             intri-

                   ( 1 erbs). To be, or become in cateness, implication, perplexity                                                          ,
               order, to form, form fours, fall in,                              involution,             ravelling, entangle-
               arrange itself , place itself , range ment, knot, coil, skein, sleave                                                         ,
               itself, fall into its place, fall into | Gordian knot.
               rank.                                                                 ( Phrase ). Wheels within wheels                        .
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