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      SEC. III.              COMBINATION                                DECOMPOSITION                                             55

           Pin, corking-             pin, safety-           pin, nail, brad, tack, skewer, staple ,

       clamp, vice, bracket, cramp, screw, button, buckle, brooch, clasp
       hasp, hinge, hank, catch, latch, latchet, tag, hook, tooth, hook and

       eye, lock, locket, holdfast, padlock, rivet, grappling-iron, stake,
       post, gyve, shackle, etc. (752), clip.

           Cement, glue, gum, paste, size, solder, lute, putty, birdlime ,
       mortar, stucco, plaster grout.

           46. COHERENCE Substantives),                                     47. Want of adhesion, non
       cohesion, adherence                    ,    adhesion, adhesion, immiscibility.
       accretion, concretion agglutina-                                     INCOHERENCE ( Substantives )
       tion, conglutination, aggregation, looseness, laxity, slackness, re
       consolidation, set, cementation, taxation, freedom, disjunction.
       soldering, welding, grouting.                                        ( Phrases ). A              rope        of      sand

           Sticking,           clinging,           adhesive         -   disjecta membra.
       ness, stickiness, gumminess, gum                             -       ( Verbs). To loosen, make loose

       mosity, glutinosity, cohesiveness, slacken, relax, unglue, unsolder
       density (321), inseparability, in- etc., detach, untwist, unravel
       separableness, tenaciousness, ten- unroll, etc. (44, 313).
       acity.                                                               To comminute (330).

                                             cake, lump,
                                                                            ( Adjectives ). Incoherent,
       solid, conglomerate (321).                                       miscible, detached, non-                     adhesive
           ( Verbs ). To              cohere,           adhere, loose, slack, lax, relaxed, baggy.
       stick, cling, cleave, hold, take                                     Segregated, flapping, stream

       hold of, hold fast, hug, grow or ing, dishevelled, unincorporated
       hang together, twine round.                                      unconsolidated, uncombined, etc.
           To concrete, curdle, cake.                                   like grains of sand.

            ( Phrases ). To stick like a leech;
        to stick like wax; to cling like
       ivy, like a bur, like a limpet.

           To glue, agglutinate, conglutinate,                                     consolidate, solidify

       (321), cement, lute, paste, gum, grout, stick, solder, weld.
           ( Adjectives ). Cohesive, adhesive, cohering, tenacious, etc.,
       sticky, glutinous, gluey, gummy, viscous (352),                                          agglutinatory.

            United, unsejmrated, sessile, inseparable, infrangible (321)f

            48.       COMBINATION                   ( Substan-              49.     DECOMPOSITION                    ( Substan       -

       tives ), union,               unification, syn              -     fives  ), disjunction, analysis, rcso-
       thesis, incorporation, amalgama- lution,                                      dissolution, catalysis, cor                     -
       tion, coalescence, crasis, fusion, ruption (653).

       synthesis, conflation, absorption,                                   ( Verbs ). To decompose,                           dis-
       blending, centralisation.                                        embody, analyse, decompound.

           Compound, composition, amal                             -    resolve, take to pieces, separate
       gam, impregnation.                             ,                into its elements, dissect, unravel.

           ( Verbs ). To combine,                         unite,       etc., break up.

       unify, incorporate, amalgamate, I                                    ( Adjectives). Decomposed, etc.,
      synthesise, embody, unify, re- [                                 catalytic,            analytic,            analytical
      embody,              blend           merge,           fuse, I    corrupted, dissolved !
       absorb, melt into one, consoli 1
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