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P. 39

56                                            WHOLE—                   PART                                   CLASS 1.

                        lump together.
                        date, coalesce, centralise; to impregnate, to put together, to

                            ( Adjectives). Combined, etc., coalescent, synthetic, syn                                                    -
                        thetical, impregnated with, engrained.

                                                              4  °. CONCRETE QUANTITY

                            50. WHOLE (Substantives),                                        51. PART (Substantives), por                            -
                       totality,           integrity,             entireness, tion, item, division, subdivision,

                       entirety, ensemble, collectiveness, section, chapter, verse, sector,
                       individuality,                unity          (87 ),       in- segment,                  fraction,            fragment,

                       divisibility, indiscerptibility, in                          -    frustum, detachment, piece, bit,
                       dissolubility; integration.                                      scrap, whit, aught, morsel, mouth                           -

                           All, the whole, total, aggregate, ful, scantling, cantle, cantlet,
                       integer, gross, amount, sum, sum slip, crumb, fritter, rag, tag,
                       total, tout ensemble, upshot, alpha shred,                                       shive,         tatter,        splinter,

                       and omega, root and branch, snatch, flitter, cut, cutting, snip,
                       head and shoulders, neck and snippet, snick, collop, slice, chip,
                       heels, trunk, hull, skeleton, hulk,                              chipping, shiver, sliver, match                             -
                      lump, heap (72).                                                  wood, spillikin, smithereens, drib                          -

                          The principal part, bulk, mass, let, clipping,                                              paring, shaving,

                      tissue, staple, body, compages, debris, odds and ends, oddments,
                      the main, the greater part, major sundries, detritus, 6cale, lamina,
                      part, essential part, best part, shadow,                                             flotsam          and         jetsam,
                      any part, aught, marrow, soul of, pickings.
                      pith, nucleus ( G42).                                                 Part and parcel, share, instal                         -

                          ( Phrases ). Lion’s share; Ben                           - ment, contingent, dividend, dose,
                      jamin’s mess.                                                    particular, article, chapter,clause,

                          ( Verbs ). To form or constitute count, paragraph.

                     a whole, to integrate, embody,                                         Member, limb, lobe, lobule,

                     aggregate, amass (72), to amount arm, branch, scion, bough, joint,
                     to, come to.                                                      link,       ramification               (256),        twig,

                          ( Adjectives ). Whole, total, in- bush, spray, sprig, ofTshoot, leaf,
                     tegral,         entire,         one,        unbroken,             leaflet, stump, stub, torso
                     uncut, undivided,                    seamless, in            -        ( Verbs ). To part, divide, sub-
                     dividual, unsevered,                       unclipped, divide, break, etc. (44); to par-
                     uncropped,               unshorn,            undimin         - tition, parcel out, portion, appoi-

                     ished, undemolished, undissolved, tion                                      (786); to ramify, branch                          ,
                     unbruised,            undcstroyed, indivis- branch out.
                     ible,      indissoluble,             indissolvable,                   ( Adjectives ). Part,                                   ,
                    indiscerptible.                                                   fragmentary, scrappy, lobular                                ,

                         Wholesale,           sweeping.                             |  sectional, aliquot, divided, multi-
                         ( Adverbs ). Wholly, altogether, fid, partitioned, etc., isomeric
                    totally, entirely, all, all in all, as                                ( Adverbs ). Partly, in part, par-
                    a whole,          wholesale, in the mass, tially, piecemeal, in detail, part

                    cn masse, in the lump, on the by part, by driblets , bit by bit,
                    whole, in ioto, in the gross, in by inches, inch by inch, foot
                    extenso, in the bulk, to the full, by foot, drop by drop, in lots                                                         ,
                    throughout, every inch.                                             ~
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