Page 37 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 37

54                                                 VINCULUM                                                   CLASS I.

                        Chain, enchain, shackle, pinion, \ unloose, unfasten, untie, unbind,

                    manacle, handcuff, lock, latch, j disband, unfix, unlace, unclasp,
                    belay, brace, hook, clap together, undo,                                        unbuckle, unchain, un                        -
                   leash, couple, link, yoke, bracket, fetter, untack, unharness, ungird,
                    hang together, pin, nail, bolt, unpack,                                              unbolt,          unlatch, un            -

                    hasp, clasp, clamp, 6crcw, rivet, lock, unlink, uncouple, unpin,

                   impact, wedge, rabbet, mortise, unclinch, unscrew, unhook, un                                                                 -
                   mitre,         jam, dovetail, enchase, rivet,                                   untwist, unshackle, un                        -
                   engraft, interlink, inosculate, en- yoke, unknit, unsolder, ravel,
                   twine, interlace, intertwine, inter- unravel,                                          disentangle,               unpick,
                   twist, interweave, interlock.                                     unglue, switch off, shut off.

                       To be joined, etc., to hang or                                    Sunder,             divide,           subdivide,
                   hold together.                                                    sever,         dissever,           abscind,           cut,

                       ( Adjectives ). Joined, conjoined, scissor, incide, incise, snip, nib,
                   coupled, etc., bound up together, cleave, rive, slit, 6plit, split in
                   conjunct, corporate, compact.                                     twain, splinter, chip, crack, snap,
                       ( Phrase ). Rolled into one.                                  rend,        break         or tear asunder,

                       Firm, fast, close, tight, taut, shiver, crunch, chop, cut up, rip
                   secure,          set,        fixed,         impacted, i up, hack, hew, slash, whittle,

                   jammed, locked, etc., intervolvcd, haggle,                                         hackle,          discind,           tear,
                   intertwined, inseparable, indis- lacerate, mangle, mince, gash,
                  soluble, inseverable, untearable. hash, knap.

                       ( Adverbs ). Conjoint , jointly,                                  Dissect, cut up, carve, castrate,
                  etc.                                      ^                       detruncate, anatomise; take, pull,

                       With,          along         with,         together or pick to pieces; unseam, tear to
                   with, in conjunction with.                                       tatters, tear piecemeal, divclli                            -
                       Fast, firmly, closely, etc.                                  cate,        disintegrate; dismember                         ,

                                                                                    disbranch,               dislocate,            disjoint,
                                                                                     mince, break up, crunch, gride,
                                                                                    comminute (330), vivisect.

                                    ( Adjectives ). Disjoined, disconnected, etc., snippety, dis-

                                jointed, multipartite, abstract, disjunctive, isolated, insular,
                               separate, discrete, apart, asunder, loose, free, liberated                                                       ,

                               disengaged,             unattached, unannexed, distinct, unassociated                                            ,
                               adrift, straggling, dispersed, disbanded, segregated.

                                   Cut off, rescinded, etc., rift, reft.
                                   Capable of being cut, scissilo; fissile ; discerptible.

                                   ( Adverbs ). Separately, etc., one by one, severally, apiece                                                 ,

                               apart, adrift,             asunder; in the abstract, abstractedly.
                      45. Connecting medium.

                      VrNcrr.UM ( Substantives ), link,                             connective, conjunction, copular
                  intermedium, hyphen, bridge, stepping-stone, isthmus, span.

                      Bond, filament, fibre (205), hair, cordage, cord, thread, string                                                          ,

                  packthread, twine, twist, whipcord, tape, ferret, raffia, line, ribbon                                                        ,
                  riband, rope, cable, hawser, halyard, guy, guy rope, wdre, chain.
                      Fastening, tie. ligament, ligature, strap, tackle, rigging, traces har                                                    -
                  ness, yoke, band, tire, brace, bandage, roller, fillet, t hong, braid girder
                 girth, cestus, garter, halter, noose, lasso, lariat, surcingle, knot, mu-
                 lling-knot, slip-knot, reef knot, sailor s knot, granny-knot, etc.
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