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P. 36

SEC. m.                       JUNCTION—DISJUNCTION                                                                        53
          ( Phrase ). A mingled yarn; a scratch team.
          ( Verbs ). To mix, commix, iramix, intermix, associate,

      mingle, commingle, intermingle, bemingle, interlard, inter                                                       -
      sperse, interpose, interpolate (228); shuflle together, hash up,
      huddle together, deal, pound together, stir up, knead, brew,

       jumble (59); impregnate with.
          To be mixed, to get among, to be entangled with.

          To instil, imbue, infuse, infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture,

      season, sprinkle, besprinkle, suffuse, transfuse, attemper,
       medicate, blend, alloy, amalgamate, compound (48), adul-
       terate, sophisticate cross, intercross, interbreed, interblend.

           ( Adjectives ). Mixed, mingled, intermixed, etc., promis                                                    -
       cuous; complex, composite, mixed up with, half and-half,
       linsey-    woolsey, cross, hybrid, half caste, Eurasian, mulatto
       (83) quadroon, octoroon, sambo, mongrel, heterogeneous;

           43. J U N C T I O N            (Substantives),                   44. DISJUNCTION                         (Substan        -
        joining, union, connection, con tives )                                  t    disconnection,                disunity,
       necting,          conjunction           , conjuga-              disunion, disassociation, disen                              -

       tion, annexion, annexation, an *                                gagement, abstractedness, isol-
       nexment, attachment, compagi-                                   ation, insularity, oasis, separate-

       nation, aBtriction , alligation, ness, severalness, severality.

       colligation,             fastening,             linking,             Separation,              parting,          detach-
       coupling, matrimony (903), graft- ment,                                        divorce, sejunction, se-

       ing;        infibulation,              inosculation, position,                    segregation, insulation,
       symphysis,               anastomosis,                asso- deduction, discerption, elision, cae                              -

       ciation 72), concatenation, com- sura, division, subdivision, break,
        munication, approach (197).                                     fracture,           rupture,           dismember            -
            Joint, join,              juncture, pivot, ment,                        disintegration, dislocation,

        hinge, suture, articulation, com- luxation,                                          severance,              dissever       -
        missure,           mitre,          seam,         stitch, ance,              severing, fission, scission,
        meeting, reunion, mortise, scar,                                rescission,              abscission,               lacer-
        cicatrix.                                                       ation,        dilaceration,              wrenching,

            Closeness, firmness, tightness, disruption, avulsion, divuLsion,
        compactness, attachment, com                                -   tearing asunder, section, cutting,
        munication.                                                     resection,              cleavage, fissure

            (Verbs ). To join, conjoin, unite, breach,                                   rent, split, crack, slit,
        connect, associate, put together, tear, rip, dispersion (73), incision,
        embody, re-embody, hold                                 to  -   dissection,          vivisection, anatomy.
        gether, lump together,                       pack, fix              Anatomist, prosector.

        together, attach, affix, saddle on,                                 ( Verbs ). To be disjoined, sepa                         -

        fasten, bind, secure, make fast, rated, etc., to come off, fall ofl,
        clench         (or clinch), catch, tie, fall to pieces.
        pinion, strap, sew, lace, string,                                   To       disjoin,         disconnect,              dis   -
        stitch, tack, knit, tat,                       crochet, unite,                  part,        dispart,           detach,

        knot, button, buckle, hitch, lash, separate, space, space out, cut
        truss,        bandage,             braid, splice, off, rescind,                          segregate, insulate                 ,
        Bwathe,           gird,         tether,          picket,        dissociate,          isolate, disengage, set
        harness, inspan, bridge over.                                   apart, liberate, loose, set free.
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