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P. 24

SEC. n.                   SIMILARITY—                         DISSIMILARITY                                                4 i

              (  Phras&s ). AB different as chalk is from cheese; this , that, or the

          other; another pair of shoes.
             ( Adverbs ). Differently, variously, otherwise.

                                              20. CONTINUOUS RELATION

              10. UNIFORMITY ( Substantives ),                                  Absence,             or      want         of      uni-

          homogeneity, homogeneousness                                ,    formity, see 83.

          consistency,               conformity                (82 ),
          homology, accordance; see Agree-

          ment (23) and Regularity (58);
          monotony, constancy.

              ( Verbs ). To be uniform, etc., to accord with, to harmonise
          with, to hang together, to go together.

              To become uniform, to conform with, to fall in with, to
          follow suit.

              To render uniform, to assimilate, level, smooth, etc. (255).

              ( Adjectives). Uniform, homogeneous, homologous, of                                                          a
          piece, of a kind, consistent, connatural, monotonous, constant.
               ( Adverbs ). Uniformly, uniformly with,                                    conformably, con-

          sistently with, in unison with, in harmony with, in con                                                          -
          formity with, according to (23).

               Regularly, at regular intervals, invariably, constantly,
              ( Phrases ). Ab uno disce omnes ; noscitur a sociis.

                                                   30  . PARTIAL RELATION

               17. SIMILARITY (Substantives),                                   18.     DISSIMILARITY                   (Substan        -

           resemblance, likeness, similitude, tives), unlikeness, dissimilitude,
           affinity, semblance, approxima-                                  diversity; novelty (123), origin-

           tion, parallelism (216), analogy, ality (515),                                         disparity.
           brotherhood,                family           likeness;               ( Verbs ). To be unlike, etc., to

           alliteration,            assonance,              repeti-         vary (20).
           tion (104), reproduction.                                            To render unlike, to diversify,
               An analogue, copy (21), the vary, etc.

           like, facsimile, match, double,                                      ( Phrase ). To strike out some-
           pendant, fellow, pair, mate, twin, thing new.

          alter ego, parallel, counterpart,                                     ( Adjectives). Dissimilar, unlike,
           brother, sister; simile,                   metaphor              disparate, of a different kind,

          (521), resemblance, imitation (19). class, etc. (76); diversified, novel,
               (  Phrases ). One s second self ; new (123),                                     unmatched, unique.
           Arcades ambo; birds of a feather;                                    ( Phrases ). Nothing of the kind ;
          et hoc genus omne ; a chip of the far from it; cast in a different
          old block ; the very moral of.                                    mould ; as like a dock as a daisy;

              (Verbs ). To be similar, like,                                “ very like a whale"; as different

          resembling, etc., to                         resemble, as chalk is from cheese.
          bear resemblance, favour, ap                                -

          proximate. parallel, match,                         imitate, take after (19), represent,
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29