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SEC. II.                                  RECIPROCALNESS                                                                    39

       appurtenant,                 affiliated,           allied,            ( Phrases        ), Foreign to the pur                   -

       related, implicated, connected , pose; nothing to the purpose;
       associated, bound up with, homo                              -    having           nothing            to      do       with;
       logical, homologous.                                              beside the question ; neither here

            Approximate, approximative, nor there; beside the mark ; d
        approximating, proportional, pro                            -     propos des bottes ; brought in by
        portionate, proportionable allu                             -    the head and shoulders.
        sive, comparable 23), like, simi-                                     (  Adverbs ), Parenthetically, by
        lar (17).                                                         the way, by the by, obiter dicta,

            ( Adverbs), Relatively, thereof, en passant, incidentally.
        as to, about, connecting, con-

        cerning,           touching,             anent,           as

        relates         to,       with        relation           to,
        relating to, as respects, with re                           -

        spect to, in respect of, respecting, as regards, with regard to,
        regarding, in the matter of, with reference to, according to,
        while speaking of, apropos of, in connection with, inasmuch

        as, whereas, in consideration of, in point of, as far as, on the
         part of, on the score of, quoad hoc, in re; pertinently, etc.

             In various ways, in all manner of ways, in ali respects,
        everyway, under the head, category, class, etc., of (75).

             11. Relations of kindred.

             CoKSAJ       ^ ourNTry            ( Substantives),              relationship,              kindred,            blood ,
         parentage, filiation, affiliation, lineage, agnation, connection, alliance,
         family connection, family tie, nepotism, see Paternity (1GG).

             A kinsman, kinsfolk, kith and kin, relation, relative, one s people,
         clan, connection, sib, cousin, brother, sister, father, mother, uncle,
         aunt, nephew, niece, step-father, etc., first, second cousin, grand-
         er great-grandfather, etc., great-uncle, etc., a near relation, a blood-

         relation, a distant relation or relative, congener, collateral.
             Family, fraternity, sisterhood,                              brotherhood, parentage, cousin-

         hood, etc.; race, stock, generation, sept, etc.
             (\ erbs ). To be related, to have or claim relationship with.
              ( Adjectives), Related, akin, consanguineous, congeneric, familv,
         allied, collateral, sib, agnate, agnatic, fraternal, of the same blood,

         nearly or closely related, remotely or distantly related ,
             ( Phrase ). Iilood is thicker than water.

             12. Double relation.

              RECIPIIOCALKKSS (                  Substantives), reciprocity, mutuality, correla-
         tion, correlativeness, interdependence, interchange, interaction                                                              ,

         reciprocation, etc. (148),                     alternation (149), barter (794).
             ( Verbs ), To reciprocate, alternate, interchange, interact , exchange,

         counterchange, interdepend.
             ( Adjectives ), Reciprocal, mutual, correlative, alternate, alter                                                         -
         native; interchangeable, interdependent, international.

             ( Phrases ). Muiatis mutandis; each other; vice versa ; change and
         change about.
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