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P. 25

42                  IMITATION—NON-IMITATION                                                                   CLASS L

                  simulate, personate, savour of, have a flavour of, favour,

                      To render similar, assimilate, approximate, reproduce,
                  bring near, copy, plagiarise.

                      ( Adjectives ). Similar, like, alike, resembling, twin, analog                                              -
                  ous, analogical, parallel, allied to, of a piece, such as, con                                                  -
                  natural, congener, matching, conformable, on all fours with.

                      Near, something like, 6uch like, mock, pseudo, simulating,
                 representing,             approximating, a 6how of, a kind of, a sort of.
                      Exact, accurate, true, faithful, close, speaking, life like,
                  breathing.                                                                                               -

                      ( Phrases ). True to nature; to the life; the very image; the
                 picture of ; for all the world like; as like as two peas; comme
                 deux goultes d eau ; as like as it can stare; ab uno disec

                 omnes; instar omnium ; birds of a feather; noscitur a soctw;
                 cast in the same mould ; a chip of the old block; like father,
                 like son.

                     ( Adverbs ). As if, so to speak, as it were, quasi, as if it
                 were, just as, after, in the fashion or manner of, d la.

                     19. IMITATION                   ( Sidtstcnilives),                20. NON-IMITATION                       ( Substan-
                 assimilation, copying, transcrip-                                 tives ). originality, novelty.

                 tion,         transcribing,                 following,                (  Adjectives ). Unimitated                   , un-
                 repetition              (104),          duplication,              copied, unmatched, unparalleled                            ,
                 reduplication, quotation, repro-                                 inimitable,                unique,             original,
                duction.                                                          novel.

                     Mockery, mocking,                         mimicry,                ( Verb ). To originate.

                echoing, simulation,                     counterfeit          -        VARIATION              (Substantives), al-
                ing,       plagiarism, forgery, fake,                             teration, modification, see Dif-
                fakement,              acting,          personation,              ference            (15),         Change            (140),

                impersonation,                     representat ion,               Deviation                (279),           Divergence
                parody,            paraphrase,                travesty,           (291); moods and tenses.
                burlesque, semblance,                       mimesis.                  ( Verbs ).          To        vary,         modify,

                    Result of imitation: see Cop                            3 r   change,            alter,        diversify,            etc.
                (21).                                                             (140).
                    Instrument                   of        imitation:                 ( Phrase ). To steer clear of.

                camera,             gramophone,                   phono-              ( Adjectives ). Varied, modified                        ,
                graph, mimeograph,                       dictograph,              diversified, etc.
               diagraph,            pantograph, etc.                                  ( Adverbs ). Variously,                      in      all
                    Photography, etc.                                             manner of ways.

                    An imitator, mimic, imperso-

               nator, echo, cuckoo, parrot, ape,                               !
               monkey, mocking bird.
                    Plagiary,             plagiarist,            forger, I

                   ( Phrase ). O imitatores, servum

                   ( Verbs ). To imitate, copy, plagiarise, forge, fake, repro-
               duce, photograph, repeat (104), echo, re-                                           echo, transcribe              ,
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