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P. 29

46                                         COMPENSATION                                                       CLASS I.

                       To render equal, equalise, level,                            disparate, partial, unbalanced,
                   balance,equate,trim,dress, adjust,                               overbalanced,                 top-heavy,              lop   -
                  poise, square; to readjust, equi-                                 sided,            preponderating,                     out   -
                  poise, equilibrate, set against.                                  weighing, prevailing.

                      ( Phrases ). To strike a balance;                                 ( Phrases). More than a match

                  to establish or restore equality;                                 for;       above           par;        below
                  to stretch on the bed of Pro-                                     baud passibus cequis.                                 par;
                  crustes; to cry quits.

                      ( Adjectives ). Equal, even, quit,
                  level, coequal, co-ordinate, equi-

                  valent,          tantamount,                 convertible,               equipollent,              equipon       -
                 derant, cquiponderou8, square.

                      ( Phrases ). On a par with; on a level with; much of a muoh                                                 -

                  ness; as broad as long; as good as; pretty well; up to the
                  mark; up to the scratch ; six of one and half a dozen of the
                 other; tarred with the same brush; diamond cut diamond.

                      Rendered equal, made equal, equalised, equated, drawn,
                  poised, levelled, balanced, symmetrical, trimmed, dressed.

                      ( Adverbs ). Part passu, equally, symmetrically, ad eundem,

                 ceteris paribus, practically, to ail intents and purposes, neck
                 and neck.

                     29. MEAN               (Substantives), medium, intermedium, compromise,
                 average, balance, middle (08), via media, juste milieu.
                     Neutrality, middle course, shuffling.

                     ( Phrases ). The golden mean ; the average man ; the man in the

                     ( Verbs ). To compromise, pair off, cancel.

                     ( Phrases ). To sit on the fence; split the difference; strike a
                 balance; take the average; reduce to a mean ; to take a safe course.

                     ( Adjectives ). Mean,                 intermediate, middle, average, ordinary (82),

                     ( Adverb Phrases ). On an average; in the long run; half-way;
                taking the one with the other; taking all things together; taking all
                in all ; one year with another ; co )n?nunibus annis.

                    80. COMPENSATION                         (Substantives),                equation,             indemnification              ,

                neutralisation ,             counteraction.
                    ( Phrases ). Measure for measure; tit for tat.
                    A set-        off,      offset,         makeweight,                 casting weight, counterpoise                           ,

                amends, equivalent , a quid pro quo. See Counteraction (179), Recoil
                (277 ), Atonement (952).

                    ( Terta). To compensate, make up for, indemnify, countervail                                                              ,
                counterpoise,                 balance,            compromise,                 outbalance,                overbalance          ,

                counterbalance, set off, hedge, redeem, neutralise ( sec 27), cover.
                    ( J hrascs). To             make good ; split the difference; fill up; make

                    ( Adjectives ). Compensating,                          compensatory, countervailing, etc.,
               equipollent (27).
                   ( Phrase ). In the opposite scalo.
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