Page 23 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 23

40                                               DIFFERENCE                                                    CLASS I.

                      13.       IDENTITY              (Substantives),                    14. Non-coincidence.

                  sameness, oneness, coincidence,                                        CONTRARIETY                    ( Substantives ,
                  coalescence, convertibility ; self                           -     contrast, foil,            antithesis, contra-
                  ness, self, ego, oneself, number                                   diction,       opposition, oppositeness,
                  one;        identification,               monotony. antagonism (179, 708), distinc                                           -

                      ( Verbs ), To be identical, to be                              tion (15).
                  the same, etc., to coincide, to                                        Inversion, reversion ( 218).
                  coalesce.                                                              The opposite, the reverse, in-

                      To render the same.                                           verse, converse, the antipodes

                      To recognise the identity of :                                (237), counterpart.
                  to identify, to recognise, sc .e to                                    ( Phrases ). The reverse of the
                  compare (404).                                                    medal; the other side of the

                      (Adjectives). Identical, identic, shield ; the tables being turned.
                  same, self, selfsame, very same,                                      ( Verbs ). To be contrary, etc                        ,,

                  no other, ilk, one and the same, to contrast                                                  with,        contradict,
                  unaltered , coincident, coinciding, contravene,                                               oppose,             negate,
                 cocssential,              coalescing,             coales      -    antagonise, invert, reverse, turn
                 cent, indistinguishable, equiva-                                   the tables, to militate against.

                 lent,         equipollent,               convertible,                  ( Adjectives ). Contrary,                     oppo-
                  much the same.                                                    site, counter, converse, reverse,

                      ( Adverbs ). All              one,         all      the opposed, antipodean                                antagon-
                 same, identically,                     likewise.                   istic, opposing, inconsistent, con                         -
                     ( Phrases ). Semper idem ; ton                           -     tradictory, contrarious, negative.

                 jours la meme chose ; alter ego;                                       ( Phrases ). Differing toto ccelo ;

                 the very thing; just the thing ;                                   diametrically opposite; as black
                 the actual thing; hie est quod j>etis. to white; light to darkness; fixe
                                                                                    to water ; worlds apart.

                                  ( Adverbs ). Contrarily, contrariously, contrariwise, per con-

                              tra, oppositely, vice versa, on the contrary, tout au contraire,
                              quite the contra                  , no such thing.

                     15. DIFFERENCE                     ( Substa7itives )              variance,            variation,            variety,
                 diversity, modification,                         allotropy, shade of difference, nuance;
                 deviation, divergence, divarication (291), disagreement (24).

                     Distinction,               contradistinction,                    differentiation,                 discrimination
                 J 465); a nice or a fine or a subtle distinction.

                     ( Uer&s). To be different, etc., to differ, vary, mismatch contrast
                 differ toto ccelo.                                                                                           ,                ,

                     To render different, etc., to vary, change, modify, varify, diversify,
                etc. (140).

                    To distinguish,                  differentiate, severalise (465), split hairs, dis-

                    ( Adjectives ). Different, differing, disparate, heterogeneous hetero-
                morphic, allotropic, varying, distinguishable, discriminative                                                    , varied      ,

                modified, diversified, deviating, diverging, devious, disagreeing                                                       (24),
                various, divers, all manner of, multifarious, multiform, etc. (81),

                variegated (440),                diacritical.
                    Other, another, not the same, quite another thing, a tertium quid.

                    Unmatched, widely apart, changed (140), something else.
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