Page 26 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 26

SEC. II.                AGREEMENT—                            DISAGREEMENT                                                 43

          match, parallel, emulate, do like, take off, hit off, reflect,
          model after (554), to be fashionable.
              ( Phrase ). To take or catch a likeness.

              To mock, mimic, ape, simulate, personate, impersonate
          (554), act, represent, adumbrate, counterfeit, parody, travesty,
          caricature, burlesque.

               ( Phrases ). To take after; follow or tread in the steps of, or
           in the footsteps of ; take a leaf out of another's book; model

           after; strike in with ; follow suit; to walk in the shoes of ; to
           go with the stream ; to be in the fashion.
               ( Adjectives). Imitated, copied, matched, repeated, paral-

           leled, mimic, parodied, etc., modelled after, moulded on,
           paraphrastic, imitative, mimetic, slavish, mechanical, second                                                   -
           hand, second-rate, imitable.
               ( Adverbs ). Literally, verbatim, literatim, sic, totulem verbis,

          so to apeak, in so many words, word for word, mot A mot (502).
               21. Result of imitation.                                         22. Thing copied.

               COPY (Substantives ), facsimile,                                 PROTOTYPE ( Substantives ), ori                          -

           counterpart, effigies, effigy, form,                            ginal, model, pattern, standard,
           likeness, similitude                 , semblance,               type, Beale, scantling, archetype,
           reflex, portrait, photograph (556),                             protoplast,              antitype,              module,

           enlargement,                miniature, study,                   exemplar,              example,             eneample,
           cast, ectype, autotype, electro-                                paradigm, fugleman, lay figure.

           type, imitation, replica, repre-
           sentation, adumbration.                                              Text, copy, design, key-
                                                                                                matrix, last,
               Duplicate, transcript, repeti                           -    proplasm, mint, negative.
           tion (101), rechauffe, reflection,                                   ( Verbs ). To set a copy, to set

           shadow, record (                 phonograph ).                  an example.
               ( Phrases ). A second edition; a
           twice-     told tale; a chip of the old

           block ; like father, like son.

               Rough copy, fair copy, carbon copy,                                     rough cast, titxiuche,
           draft or draught, proof, brouillon,                             protoplast, reprint.

               Counterfeit, parody, caricature,                             burlesque, travesty, para-
           phrase, forgery.

                                                  4  ° . GENERAL RELATION
                23. AGREEMENT ( Substantives ),                                  24. DISAGREEMENT                        (Substan        -
           accord, accordance, unison, uni-                                 tives),      discord, discordance, dis-

           formity, harmony, union, con                                -    sonance,         disharmony, dissidence,
           cord, concert,             concordance (714 ),                   discrepancy, unconformity, dis-

           cognation, conformity,                         conson       - conformity,                 nonconformity, in-
           ance,         consentaneousness,                     con    -    congruity,              incongruence,                 mes    -

           sensus, consistency,                      congruity, alliance, discongruity,                                     jarring,

           congruence, congeniality, corres                            -    clashing, jostling                   (713), incon-
           pondence, parallelism.                                           sistency inconsonance, disparity,

               Fitness, pertinence,                     suitable       -    disproportion, disproportionate-
           ness, adaptation, meetness, pat                             -    ness, variance, jar, misfit.
           ness, relevancy, aptitude, coap                             -        ( Phrase ). Concordia discord.
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