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38                            RELATION—                       IRRELATION                                      CLASS I.

                 stands; as things are; such being                                  if, if so, if so be, if it bo so, if it
                  the case.                                                       1
                      ( Adverb ). Conditionally, etc.                             1  so prove, or turn out, or happen;
                                                                                    in the event of, provisionally,
                                                                                    unless, without.

                                                                                         ( Phrases ). According                    to      cir  -
                                                                                    cumstances; as it may happen, or

                                                                                    turn out; as the case may be;
                                                                                    pro re nata; according as the wind
                                                                                    blows; rain or shine; sink or swim ;
                                                                                    at all events; ceteris paribus.

                                                    SECTION II.—                     RELATION

                                                         i . ABSOLUTE RELATION
                      9. RELATION ( Substantives ),                                     10. Want or absence of rela                             -

                 bearing, reference, standing, con                             -    tion.
                 cern,          cognation,                correlation,                  IRRELATION ( Substantiv es),

                 analogy, affinity, homology, alii-                                 disconnection, dissociation, dis                            -
                 ance, homogeneity, association,                                    association,              misrelation,              inde    -
                 approximation, filiation, alfilia-                                 pendence, isolation (44), multi                             -

                 tion, etc. ( ICG),                 interest, habi-                 fariousness,                                            in  -
                 tude; relativity.                                                  comraensurability,                     irrelevancy;

                      Relevancy,            pertinency, fitness,                    heterogeneity, irreconcilableness
                 etc. (646 and 23).                                                 (24), impertinence.

                     Aspect, point of view, com                               -         ( Verbs ). To have no relation
                 parison (464); ratio,                     proportion ,             with, or to, to have nothing to
                      Link, tie (45), homologue.                                    do with, not to concern, etc.,

                     ( Verbs ). To be related, have a                               not to admit of comparison                            ,
                 relation, etc., to relate to, refer                                    To isolate, separate, detach,

                 to, have reference to, bear upon,                                 disconnect, segregate (44).
                 regard, concern, touch, atlect,                                        ( Adjectives ).            Irrelative,            irre-
                 have to do with,                         pertain to,              spective, unrelated, without re-
                 belong to, appertain to, answer                                    ference, etc., to, arbitrary, epi-
                 to, interest.                                                     sodic, remote, far fetched, out

                     To bring into relation with,                                   of     place, out               of     tune        (414    ),

                 connect, atliliate, link (43), bring inharmonious, malapropos                                                        , irre-
                 near (197), homologise; to bring                                   levant,         foreign          to, alien, im-
                 to bear upon.                                                     pertinent, extraneous to, strange
                     ( Adjectives ). Relative, correla-                            to,       stranger            to,      independent           ,
                 tive, cognate,            relating to, relative incidental,                                outlandish,              exotic     ,

                 to, relovant, in relation with,                                   unallied,            unconnected,                 discon-
                 referable to,             pertinent ( see 23),                    nccted, unconcerned, adrift, iso-
                germane,             belonging to, pat, to                         lated, insular.

                 the point, apposite, to the pur-                                       Not comparable, incommen-

                 pose, apropos, ad rem, in loco,                                   surable, inapplicable (24), irre-
                 just the thing,               quite the thing; concilablo,                                heterogeneous                 (83)
                 pertaining to,                appertaining to,                    unconformable.                                               »
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