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44                     AGREEMENT—DISAGREEMENT                                                                 CLASS I.

                 tation,           propriety,              apposition,                  Unfitness, repugnance, unsuit                          -

                 appositeness,                  reconcilableness, ableness,                             unsuitability,              unapt      -
                 applicability, applicableness, ad-                                ness, ineptitude, inaptness, im                             -
                 missibility,               commensurabilitv,                      propriety,              inapplicability,                in  -
                 compatibility, adaptability.                                      admissibility, irreconcilableness,

                     A d a p t a t i o n, a d j u s t m e n t, irreconcilability,                                     incommensur              -

                 graduation, accommodation, re                                -    ability, inconoinnity, incompati                            -
                 conciliation, reconcilement, con-                                 bility,        inadaptability, interfer                     -

                 currence, concord, co-operation ,                                 ence, intrusion, see Irrelation (10).
                     ( Fcr&s). To be accordant, to                                     (Verbs). To disagree,                          belie,
                 agree, accord, correspond, tally, clash, jar, oppose (708), interfere,
                 respond, harmonise, match, 6uit,                                  jostle (713), intrude ,
                fit, hit, fall in with, chime in with,                                 ( Phrases ). To have no business

                quadrate with, square with, can                              - there; to drag or lug in head and
                cel with, comport with, assimi- shoulders.
                late, unite with, sec 714.                                             ( Adjectives). Disagreeing, dis                        -
                    ( Phrase ). To fit like a glove.                              cordant,              discrepant,                jarring,

                    To render accordant, to fit, clashing, repugnant, incompat                                                                -
                suit, adapt, match, accommodate,                                  ible, irreconcilable, intransigent,
                adjust, reconcile, fadge, dovetail, inconsistent with, unconformable,
                dress, square, regulate, accord, incongruous,                                                   disproportionate,

                comport,graduate,gradate,grade,                                   disproportioned, unproportioned,
                    ( Adjectives ). Agreeing,                      accor-         inharmonious, inconsonant, mis-
                dant,          concordant,                consonant,              matched, misjoined, misjudged,

                congruous, consentaneous, con                                -    unconsonant, unconformable, in                              -
                sentient, corresponding, corres- commensurable, incommensurate,
                pondent, congenial, harmonising, divergent (291).

                harmonious with, tallying with,                                       Unapt, inappropriate, impro-
               conformable with, in accordance                                    per, unsuited, unsuitable, inapt,
                with, in harmony with, in unison                                  inapposite, inapplicable, irrele-
                with, in keeping with,                        squaring          I  vant, not pertinent, impertinent                           ,

               with, quadrating with, falling                                     malapropos, ill-timed, intrusive                            ,
               in with, of a piece,                        consistent clumsy, unfit, unfitting, unbe-
               with,         compatible,
               with, commensurate.                      reconcilable fitting, unbecoming, forced, un *
                   Apt, apposite, pertinent, ger                            -     missible, uncongenial, ill-assorted,
               mane, relating to, pat,                          bearing          ill-sorted,            repugnant               to,      un-

               upon (9), applicable,                  relevant, fit,             accommodating, irreducible                            ,

               fitting, suitable, happy, proper,                                      ( Phrases ). Out of season; out
               meet, appropriate,                     suiting, be-               of character; out of keeping; out

               fitting, seasonable, sortable, deft,                              of tune; out of place; out of one s
               accommodating, topical.                                           element ; at odds; a fish out of

                   ( Phrases ). In loco ; en rapport ;                           water; on all fours; neither here
               ad rem ;        ncynine        discrepante ; rem                  nor there; beside the mark ; “                          Au  -

              acu tetigisti; whom the cap may rnanocapitecervicempictorequxnarn
              fit; at homo; to the point; apro-                                  jungere            “ compact of jars.’"

              pos; to the purpose; in one s                                          ( Adverbs ). At              variance with,
              ( proper ) element ; just the thing;                               in defiance of, in contempt of,
              the very thing ; quite the thing. I                               in spite of, despite.
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