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36           INTRINSICALITY—                                 EXTRINSICALITY                                   CLASS I.

              isting, self -existent; undestroyed, existent, non existing, etc., nega                                                       -
              tangible, not ideal, not imagined,                               tive, blank, absent.
              not supposititious, not potential,                                   Unreal, potential, virtual, base                         -

              virtual, effective, unideal, true, less, unsubstantial (4), imaginary,
              mere, objective.                                                 ideal, vain, fanciful, unpractical,
                  { Adverbs, etc, ). Actually, really, shadowy, supposititious.

             absolutely,             positively, etc ,, in                          Unborn, uncreated, unbegotten.
             fact, de facto, ipso facto, in esse.                                   Annihilated,                destroyed,              ex  -

                  ( Phrase ). In posse             -                           tinct, gone, lost, perished, melted,

                                                                               dissolved, faded, exhausted, van                             -
                                                                               ished, missing, disappeared, de-
                                                                               parted, defunct (3G0).

                                                                                    ( Adverbs )      *    Negatively,              virtu    -
                                                                               ally, etc.

                                                                                    ( PAru c). In nubibus.

                                                2°. BEING IN THE CONCRETE
                  3. SUBSTANTIALITY {Substan-                                1      4.     UNSUBSTANTIALITY                         ( Sub    -

             tires ), hypostasis, person, thing, stantives ), insubstantiality, noth                                                         -
             being, something, existence, en                              -    ingness, nihility, nothing, naught,
             tity, body, physique, substance,                                  nihil, nil, zero, cipher, nonentity,
             object, article, creature, matter,                                 nobody, see 187.

             material, stuff 316), substratum,                                      ( Phrases).Nothing at all; noth                          -
              plcnum, protoplasm.                                              ing whatever; nothing on earth;
                  Totality           of       existences,              see      nothing under the sun.
             World (318).                                                           A desert.

                  ( Phrase ). Something or other.                                   A shadow, phantom, phantasm,
                 ( Adjectives ). Substantive, sub-                              phantasmagoria, dream, mock                                  -
             stantial, hearty, bodily, tangible, ery, air, thin air, idle dream, idle
             corporal, corporeal, material, ob-                                 talk, ignis fatuus, mirage ,
             jective, hypostatic.                                                   Void , vacuum, vacuity, vac*

                 ( Adverbs) Substantially, etc , ancy, voidnesa, vacuousness, in                                                             -
             essentially.          *                                     *      anity,          emptiness,                hollowness,

                                                                                blank, chasm, gap, hiatus (198);
                                                                                empty space.

                               ( Adjectives ). Unsubstantial,                           immaterial,               void,          vacant,
                          vacuous, blank, null, inane, idle, hollow, airy, visionary,
                          see 515.

                                                      3 ° . FORMAL EXISTENCE

                           Internal Conditions                                               External Conditions

               5. LNTRINSICALITY( Substantives),                                    6. EXTIUNSICALITY                         ( Substan-
             inbeing, immanence, inherence, tives ), extraneousness, objective-

             inhesion,            essence ;          essentiality,              ness, objectivity, accident, super-
             subjectiveness, subjectivity, es-                                  ficiality, incident.
             sential part, soul, quintessence,                                      ( Adjectives).               Derived              from

             quiddity, gist, pith, core, back                             -     without,             objective,              extrinsic       ,
              l>one. marrow; incarnation.                                       extrinsical, extraneous, modal                               ,

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