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SEC I       *                STATE—                CIRCUMSTANCE                                                             37
            Nature, constitution, charac- adventitious, adscititious, inci-

        ter, qunht          3 T  (157), crasis, tem-                      dental, accidental, non-essential,
        perament , temper, manner, spirit, see 220.
        habit, humour, grain, endow-                                          Implanted, engrafted.

        ment,            capacity,                capability,                 ( Adverb ). Extrinsicallv, etc.
        moods,            declensions,                features,
        aspects, specialities, peculiarities
        (79), particularities, idiosyncrasy,

        idiocrasy, diagnostics.

            ( Verb Phrase ). To be in the blood.
             ( Adjectives ). Derived from within, subjective, intrinsic,

        intrinsieal, inherent, essential, natural, internal, inborn,
        innate, inbred, engrained, inherited, immanent, indwelling,
        congenital, connate, hereditary, instinctive, indigenous.

             ( Phrases ). In the grain; in the blood; bred in the bone.
            Characteristic, peculiar, qualitative, special, diagnostic

        (79), invariable.
            ( Adverbs ). Intrinsically, subjectively, at bottom, at the

             [ Phrase ). Rotten at the core.

                                                 4  °. MODAL EXISTENCE

                                Absolute                                                          Relative

             7. STATE ( Substantives ), con-                                  8.      CIRCUMSTANCE                     ( Substan-

        dition,          category,             class,        kind,        tives ), situation, phase, position,
         estate, case, constitution, habi-                                posture, attitude, place, point,
         tude, diathesis,                  mood, pickle,                  terms,          fare,         r6gime,           footing,

         plight, temper, morale.                                          standing,            status,          predicament,
             Frame, fabric, structure, tex                           -    contingency, occasion, juncture,

         ture,        contexture               (329),         con-        conjuncture,                 emergency,                 exi-
         formation, organism.                                             gence,          exigency, crisis, pinch,

             Mode, modality, schesis, form,                               pass, push, plight.
         shape, figure, cut, cast, mould,                                      ( Adjectives ).             Circumstantial              ;
        stamp,           set,       fit,      tone,         tenor,        given, conditional, provisional ,

         trim, turn, guise, fashion, aspect,                              critical,         contingent,               incidental
         complexion, style, manner, char-                                 (G, 151), circumstanced, placed.

         acter, kind, get-up, format , genre.                                  ( Verb Phrases ). To bow before
             ( Verbs ). To be in a state, to be                           the storm; take things as they

         in condition, to be on a footing,                                arc; cut one s coat according to
         etc.                                                             the cloth.
             To fare, have, possess, enjoy,                                    ( Adverbs ). In or under the cir-

         etc., a state, condition, etc.                                   cumstances,conditions, etc. ; thus,
             To bring into a state, etc. (144).                           in such a case, contingency , etc.,
             ( Adjectives ). Conditional, mo-                             accordingly, being so, such being

        dal, formal, structural, organic,                                 the case; since, sith, seeing that ,
         textual.                                                         as matters stand, as things go.
             ( Phrases ).           As         the        matter               Conditionally, provided, iJf, an
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