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SEC. V.                    MULTIPLICATION—DIVISION                                                                         7  i

               92. TRIALITY (Substantives), trinity.                               1

               Three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, trinomial, leash, threesome, trefoil,
               Third power cube.
               (Adjectives). Three, triform, trinal, trinomial, tertiary, triquetrous.

                                                                                 94. Division into three parts.
                                                        ( <Substan
           tives ). triplicity trebleness trine.                                 TRISECTION (Substantives), tri-
               (  Verbs ). ToTreble, triple, trip                       -    partition, trichotomy; third part ,
           licate, cube.                                                     third.
               ( Adjectives). Treble, triple,                                    ( Verbs). To trisect, divide into

           tern, ternary, ternate, triplicate, three parte, take the cube root.
           trigeminal, threefold third.                                          (Adjectives). Trifid,                    trisected ,
               ( Adverbs ). Three times, thrice, tripartite, trichotomous, trisul                                                         -
           threefold, in the third                            place, cate, triform.

                95. QTJATERNITY (Substantives), four, tetrad, quartet, quaternion,
           foursome, square, quadrature, quarter.

                (Verbs ). To reduce to a square, to square
                ( Adjectives ). Four, quaternary,                             quaternal, quadratic, quartile,
            tetractic, tetra-.

                96. QUADRUPLICATION.                                             97 ,    Division into four parts.
                ( Verbs ). To multiply by four,                                  QUADRISECTION ( Substantives )
            quadruplicate, biquadrate.                                       quadripartition,                  quartering,               a
                ( Adjectives). Fourfold, quad                           -    fourth, a quarter.
            ruple, quadruplicate, fourth.                                        ( Verbs ). To quarter, to divide

                ( Adverbs ). Four times, in the into four parts, etc.
            fourth place, fourthly, to the                                       ( Adjectives ). Quartered,                        etc.,
            fourth degree.                                                   quadrifid,         quadripartite.

                98 , FIVE (Substantives), cinque,                                99. QUINQUESEOTION, etc.
           cinqfoil, quint, quincunx, quintet.                                   ( Adjectives). Quinqucfid, quin                         -

                ( Adjectives ). Five,                    quinary,            quarticular,            quinquepartite.
           quintuple, fivefold, fifth.
                Srx, half a-dozen, sextet.                                       Sexpartite.

                ( Adjectives). Senary, sextuple,
           sixfold, sixth.

               SEVEN, heptad, septet.
                EIGHT, octad, octet, ogdoad.                                     Octofid.
               (  Adjectives ). Octuple, eightfold.

               TEN, a decade.                                                    DECIMATION.
                ( Adjectives ). Decimal, denary,                                 ( Verb ). To         decimate.
           decuple, tenth.                                                       ( Adjectives). Decimal,                       tenth,


               TWELVE, a dozen.                                                  DUODECIMAL, twelfth.
               ( Adjective ). Duodenary.

                     1  Trinity is hardly ever used except in a theological sense (                                       976   ),
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