Page 31 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 31
credible, marvellous, transcen - Mere, simple, sheer, stark, bare.
dent, incomparable, tremendous, ( Adverbs). In a small degree :
amazing, phenomenal, super- on a small scale, to a small extent,
human, Titanic, immoderate. something, somewhat, next to
Indefinite, boundless, un - nothing, little, inconsiderably,
bounded, unlimited, incalculable, slightly, so-so, minutely, faintly,
illimitable, immeasurable, in- feebly, lightly, imperfectly, per-
finite, unapproachable, unutter- ceptibly, moderately, scantily,
able, unspeakable, inexpressible, shabbily, miserably, wretchedly,
beyond expression, swingeing, sparingly, tolerably, passably,
unconscionable, fabulous, un- weakly, pretty well, well enough,
common, unusual (83). slenderly, modestly.
Undiminished, unrestricted, In a limited degree : in a certain
unabated, unreduced, unmiti - degree, to a certain degree or
gated, unredeemed, untempered. extent, partially, in part, some,
Absolute, positive, stark, de - somewhat, rather, in 6ome de-
cided, staring, unequivocal, gree, in some measure, some-
serious, grave, essential, perfect, thing, simply, purely, merely, in
finished, completed, abundant a manner, at the most, at least,
(639). at the least, at most, ever so
( Adverbs ). In a great degree : little, thus far, pro tanto, next to
much, muckle, well, consider- nothing.
ably, largely, grossly, greatly, ( Phrases). As little as may be;
very, very much, a deal, not a tanl soit peu ; to say the least; in
little, pretty, pretty well, enough, ever so small a degree.
richly, to a large extent, to a Almost, nearly, well- nigh, all
great extent, ever so, mainly, but, short of, not quite, peu s en
ever so much, on a large scale, fauty near the mark.
insomuch, all lengths, wholesale, ( Phrases ). Within an ace of ;
in a great measure. on the brink of ; next door to;
In a positive degree : truly a close shave.
(494), positively, verily, really, In an uncertain degree : about,
indeed, actually, in fact, fairly, thereabouts, scarcely, hardly,
assuredly, decidedly, surely, barely, somewhere about, nearly,
clearly, obviously, unequivocally, more or less, d peu pres, there or
purely, absolutely, seriously, es- thereabouts.
sentially, fundamentally, radi - In no degree : noways, nowise ,
cally, downright, in grain, alto- nohow, in no wise, by no means,
gether, entirely, completely. not in the least, not at all, not a
In a comparative degree : com- bit, not a bit of it, not a whit, not
paratively, pro tantoy as good as, a jot, in no respect, by no manner
to say the least, above all, most, of means, on no account , at
of all things, pre-eminently. no hand.
In a complete degree : alto-
gether, quite, entirely, wholly,
totally, in totoy toto coelo, utterly,
thoroughly, out and out, com -
pletely, outright, out and away, fairly, clean, to the full, in
every respect, sous tons les rapports, in all respects, on all