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48                            GREATNESS—                          SMALLNESS                                   CLASS I.

                     credible,           marvellous, transcen                     -        Mere, simple, sheer, stark, bare.

                     dent, incomparable, tremendous,                                       ( Adverbs). In a small degree :
                     amazing,              phenomenal,                  super-         on a small scale, to a small extent,
                     human, Titanic, immoderate.                                      something,              somewhat, next to

                         Indefinite,               boundless,                un   -    nothing,           little,       inconsiderably,
                     bounded, unlimited, incalculable,                                slightly, so-so, minutely, faintly,
                     illimitable,             immeasurable,                   in-     feebly, lightly, imperfectly, per-
                     finite, unapproachable, unutter-                                 ceptibly, moderately,                         scantily,

                     able, unspeakable, inexpressible,                                shabbily, miserably, wretchedly,
                     beyond           expression,              swingeing,             sparingly,             tolerably,           passably,

                     unconscionable,                   fabulous,             un-      weakly, pretty well, well enough,
                    common, unusual (83).                                             slenderly, modestly.

                         Undiminished,                     unrestricted,                   In a limited degree : in a certain
                    unabated,               unreduced,               unmiti       -   degree, to a certain degree or
                    gated, unredeemed, untempered.                                    extent, partially, in part, some,

                         Absolute, positive, stark, de                           -    somewhat, rather, in                       6ome de-
                    cided,            staring,             unequivocal,               gree, in some measure, some-

                    serious, grave, essential, perfect,                               thing, simply, purely, merely, in
                    finished,           completed,              abundant              a manner, at the most, at least,
                    (639).                                                            at the least, at most, ever so

                        ( Adverbs ). In a great degree :                              little, thus far, pro tanto, next to
                    much,          muckle, well, consider-                            nothing.

                    ably, largely, grossly, greatly,                                      ( Phrases). As little as may be;

                    very, very much, a deal, not a                                   tanl soit peu ; to say the least; in
                    little, pretty, pretty well, enough,                             ever so small a degree.
                    richly, to a large extent, to a                                       Almost, nearly, well-                    nigh, all

                   great extent, ever so, mainly,                                    but, short of, not quite, peu s en
                   ever so much, on a large scale,                                   fauty near the mark.

                   insomuch, all lengths, wholesale,                                      ( Phrases ). Within an ace of ;
                   in a great measure.                                               on the brink of ; next door to;

                        In a          positive degree : truly                        a close shave.
                   (494), positively, verily, really,                                     In an uncertain degree : about,

                   indeed, actually, in fact, fairly,                                thereabouts,                scarcely,            hardly,
                   assuredly,               decidedly,               surely,         barely, somewhere about, nearly,

                   clearly, obviously,                unequivocally,                 more or less, d peu pres, there or
                   purely, absolutely, seriously, es-                                thereabouts.

                   sentially,           fundamentally,                   radi   -        In no degree : noways, nowise                           ,

                   cally, downright, in grain, alto- nohow, in no wise, by no means,
                   gether,          entirely,          completely.                   not in the least, not at all, not a

                       In a comparative degree : com- bit, not a bit of it, not a whit, not
                   paratively, pro tantoy as good as, a jot, in no respect, by no manner
                   to say the least, above all, most, of                                    means, on no account                          , at
                   of all things, pre-eminently.                                     no hand.
                       In a complete degree : alto-

                  gether, quite, entirely, wholly,

                  totally, in totoy toto coelo, utterly,
                  thoroughly, out and out, com                                  -

                  pletely, outright, out and away, fairly, clean, to the full, in
                  every respect, sous tons les rapports, in all respects, on all
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