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P. 32

SEC III.                    SUPERIORITY—                              INFERIORITY                                          49
       accounts, nicely, perfectly, fully, amply, richly, wholesale,
       abundantly, consummately, widely, as . . . as . . . can be,

       every inch, d fond, de fond, en comble, far and wide, over head
        and ears, to the backbone, throughand through, ne plus ultra.

            In a greater degree : even, yea, a fortiori, still more.

            In a high degree: highly, deeply, strongly, mighty, mightily,
        powerfully (157), with a witness, with a vengeance, pro                                                         -

        foundly, superlatively                    , ultra, in the extreme, extremely,
        exceedingly,              excessively,               consumedly,               sorely, intensely,
        exquisitely, acutely, soundly, vastly, hugely, immensely,

        enormously, stupendously, passing, surpassing, supremely,
        beyond measure, immoderately, monstrously, inordinately,
        over head and ears, extraordinarily, exorbitantly, indefinitely,

        immeasurably, unspeakably, inexpressibly, ineffably, un                                                         -
        utterably, incalculably, infinitely,                            unsurpassably.

            In a marked degree : particularly, remarkably, singularly,
        uncommonly, unusually, peculiarly, notably, par excellence,

        signally, famously, egregiouslv, prominently, glaringly, em                                                     -
        phatically,           KQ. T     £ £            s t r a n g e l y, wonderfully, amazingly,
        surprisingly, astonishingly,                           prodigiously, monstrously, in                            -
        credibly, inconceivably, marvellously, awfully,stupendously.

            In a violent degree : violently, severely, furiously, des                                                   -
        perately, tremendously,                         outrageously, extravagantly, con                                -
        foundedly, deucedly, devilishly,
        geance, d outrance. See 173.                                    diabolically, with a ven *

             In a painful degree : sadly, grievously, woefully, wretchedly,
        piteously, sorely, lamentably, shockingly, frightfully, dread                                                   -
        fully, fearfully, terribly, horribly.

                           Quantity by Comparison with a Similar Object

            33. SUPERIORITY                          ( Substan      -        34.    INFERIORITY                      ( Substan       -
        tives), majority, supremacy, prim                           -   tives),       minority, subordination,
        acy, advantage, excess                             (641),       shortcoming                (304);          deficiency,

        prevalence, pre-eminence, cham                              -    minimum.
        pionship.                                                            ( Verbs). To be less, inferior,

            Maximum,                   acme,            climax,         etc., to fall or come short of, not

        zenith, summit, utmost height,                                  to pass (304).
        record,        culminating point (210),                              To become smaller, to render
        the height of, lion’s share, Ben-                               smaller (195); to subordinate.
        jamin’s mess, overweight.                                           ( Phrases). To be thrown into

            ( Phrases ). The ne plus ultra ;                            the shade; to hide its diminished
        surnmum genus ; sumrnum bonum.                                  head.

            ( Verbs). To be superior, etc.;                                 ( Adjectives). Inferior, deficient,
        exceed, surpass, excel, eclipse,                                smaller, minor, less, lesser, lower,
        top, over-        top, o’ertop, cap, beat,                      sub,       subordinate, subaltern,

        cut out, outclass, over-ride, out*                              second-rate,              second-best, ama-
        herod, kick the beam, outbalance,                               teurish.
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