Page 33 - Roget Thesaurus
P. 33

50                                  INCREASE—DECREASE                                                         CLASS I.

                  overbalance,                overweigli,              over-            Least, smallest, minutest, etc.,
                  shadow, outdo; render larger,                                     lowest.
                  magnify (104).                                                        ( Phrases ).           Weighed             in      the

                      ( Phrases ). To have the advan                            -   balance and found wanting; not
                  tage of ; have the pull of ; turn                                 fit to hold a candle to.

                  the scale; beat hollow; take the                                      ( Adverbs ). Less, under or be                          -
                  shine out of ;                  throw into the                    low the mark, below par, at
                  shade; to be a cut above.                                         the bottom of the scale, at a low

                      ( Adjectives ). Superior, greater,                           ebb, short of, at a disadvantage.
                  major, higher, surpassing, exceed                            -
                  ing,       excelling,            passing,           ultra,

                  vaulting,               transcending,                   un   -
                 equalled, unparalleled, without
                  parallel, sans pareil.

                      Supreme, greatest, utmost, paramount, pre-eminent, sove-

                  reign, culminating, superlative, topmost, top-                                           hole, highest,
                 first-rate, champion, Al, the last word, the limit.

                      ( Phrases ). Facile princeps ; nullx secundus ; primus inter
                  pares ; a Triton among the minnows.

                      ( Adverbs ). Beyond, more, over and above the mark, above
                 par, over and above, at the top of the scale, at its height.
                      In a superior degree : eminently, pre-                              eminently, egregiously,

                 prominently, superlatively, supremely, above all, principally,
                 especially, particularly, peculiarly, par excellence, a fortiori,

                 nil ultra.

                                                            Changes in Quantity

                     35. INCREASE                    ( Substantives ),                 36. NON-INCREASE.
                 augmentation, enlargement , ex                               - !      DECREASE ( Substantives ), dimi-
                 tension, dilatation ( sec 194), in- nution, depreciation, lessening,
                 crement, accretion, development, reduction,                                              abatement ,               bating,
                 growth, swell, swelling, expan                               -    declension, falling off, dwindling,

                 sion, aggrandisement, aggrava                                -    contraction (195), shrinking, at-
                 tion, rise, exacerbation, spread,                                 tenuation, extenuation, abridg-
                 diffusion (73), flood tide;                        acces     -    ment, curtailment (201), coarcta-
                 sion.                                                             tion, narrowing.

                     ( Verbs ). To increase, augment,                                  Subsidence, wane, ebb, decre-
                 enlarge, amplify, extend, dilate, ment.

                 swell, wax, expand, grow, 6tretch,                                    ( Lerta). To decrease, diminish                         ,
                 shoot up, rise, run up, sprout, lessen, dwindle, decay, shrink                                                                ,
                 advance, spread, gather head, ag                             -   contract, shrivel, fall off, fall
                 grandisc, odd, superadd, raise, away, waste, wear, wane, ebb,
                 heighten,            strengthen,               greaten, . decline, wear off, run low, grow

                 exalt,         enhance,             magnify,             re- ; downward.
                 double,          aggravate, exaggerate,                               To abridge, reduce, curtail                      , cut
                exasperate, exacerbate.                                           down,           pare down, cut short                         ,

                     ( Phrases ). To add fuel to the flock, etc. (201),                                                  bate, abate           ,

                 flame; to pour oil on the flames,                                extenuate, lower, weaken, dwarf ;
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