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26                  THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS

                                                   CLASS IV. INTELLECT

                                          DIVISION I. FORMATION OF IDEAS

                  I. OPERATIONS OF                     (  450. Intellect.                           450a.Absenceof Intellect

                           INTELLECT IN                  451. Thought.                               452. Incogitancy.
                           GENERAL                     '  453. Idea.                                 454. Topic.
                                                          455. Curiosity.                            456. Incuriosity.

                   II. PRECURSORY                         457. Attention.                            458. Inattention.
                                                                                                     460. Neglect.
                           CONDITIONS                     459. Care.                                 462. Answer.
                                                          461. Inquiry.
                           AND OPERA-                     463. Experiment.                           464. Comparison.

                                                          465. Discrimination.                       465a.Indiscrimination.
                                                          466. Measurement.

                                                          467. Evidence.                             468. Counter-evidence.

                   III. MATERIALS                                                                    469. Qualification.
                           FOR REASON- -                                            Degrees of Evidence.

                           INQ                            470. Possibility.                          471. Impossibility.
                                                          472. Probability.                          473. Improbability.
                                                          474. Certainty.                            475. Uncertainty.
                   IV. REASONING                          476. Reasoning.                            477. {       Sophistry.
                                PROCESSES              i  478. Demonstration.                        479. Confutation ,

                                                         f  480. Judgment.                            481. Misjudgment.
                                                          482. Over-estimation. 483. Depreciation.
                                                          484. Belief.                                485.       ' I Doubt.

                                                           486. Credulity.                            487. Incredulity.

                                                           488. Assent.                               489. Dissent.
                                                           490. Knowledge.                            491. Ignorance.

                    V. RESULTS OF                          492. Scholar.                              493. Ignoramus.
                               REASONING                 j  494. Truth.                               495. Error.
                                                         i  496. Maxim.                        Faculties.
                                                                                                      497. Absurdity.

                                                           «»     •  twSre                    -       499.       1  Folly.
                                                                                                                 f Imbecilitv.

                                                           500. Sage.                                 501. Fool.
                                                           502. Sanity.                               503. Insanity.

                    VI. EXTENSION OF TnouonT                                —                         504. Madman.
                        1. To the Past .                   505. Memory.                                506. Oblivion.

                                                           507. Expectation.                           508. Inexpectation.
                                                                                                       509. Disappointment.

                                                           510. Foresight.
                        2. To the Future <
                                                           511. Prediction.
                                                           512. Omen.
                                                           513. Oracle.
                    VII. CREATIVE                        } 514. Supposition.

                                    THOUGHT              1 515. Imagination.
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