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P. 14

SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES                                                                         31

                                              768. Promise.                              768a.Release.
                                              769. Compact.
                                              770. Conditions.

        III. CONDITIONAL                      771. Security.
                                              772. Observance.                           773. Non observance.
                                              774. Compromise.

                                                                                         776. Loss.
                                            f  775. Acquisition.                         778. Participation.
                                              777. Possession.
           1°. Property in                    779. Possessor.

                    General                   780. Property.
                                            .781. Retention.                             782. Relinquishment.

                                             ' 783. Transfer.
                                              784. Giving.                               785. Receiving.
                                              786. Apportionment.

            2°. Transfer of                   787. Lending.                              788. Borrowing.
                    Property.              A  789. Taking.                               790. Restitution.
                                              791. Stealing.

                                              792. Thief.
                                             .793. Booty.

                                              794. Barter.

                                              797. Merchant.
            3°. Interchange                   795. Purchase.                             796. Sale.
                    of Property               798. Merchandise.

                                               799. Mart.

                                              800. Money.
                                              801. Treasurer.
                                              802. Treasury.
                                              803. Wealth.                               804. Poverty.

                                              805. Credit.                               806. Debt.

            4°. Monetary                      807. Payment.                              808. Non payment.

                    Relations                 809. Expenditure.                          810. Receipt.
                                              811. Accounts.
                                              812. Price.                                813. Discount.

                                              814. Dearness.                             815. Cheapness.
                                              816. Liberality.                           817. Economy.
                                               818. Prodigality.                         819. Parsimony.

                               C L A S S V I. A F F E C T I O N S

                                       I. AFFECTIONS GENERALLY

                                              820. Affections.
                                              821. Feeling.
                                              822. Sensibility.                          823. Insensibility.

                                              824. Excitation.
                                              825. Excitability.                         826. Inexcitability.
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