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SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES                                                                   21

         2°. RELATIVE
                                             ' 116. Priority.                           117. Posteriority.

             to Succession              . „ 118. Present time.                          119. Different time.
                                              120. Synchronism.

                                             : 121. Futurity.                           122. Preterition.
                                              123. Newness.
                                                                                        124. Oldness.
                                              125. Morning.
                                                                                        128. Age.
             to a Period.               . i 127. Youth.                                 126. Evening.
                                               129. Infant.                             130. Veteran.

                                               131. Adolescence.

                                             fc 132. Earliness.
             to an Effect or                                                            133. Lateness.
                  Purpose                    f 136. Frequency.                          135. Intempestivity.
                                               134. Opportunity,
                                                                                        137. Infrequency.
          3°. RECURRENT                  • \ 138. Periodicity.                          139. Irregularity

                                                         Vn. CHANGE
                                               140. Change.
                                               141. Cessation.                          142. Permanence.

          1°. SIMPLE .                   .  *  144. Conversion.                         143. Continuance.
                                                                                        145. Reversion.
                                               146. Revolution.
                                               147. Substitution.                       148. Interchange.

          2°. COMPLEX                     • {  149. Mutability.                         150. Immutability.
                                               151. Eventuality.                        152. Destiny.

                                                     VIII.      CAUSATION

                                               153.    {  Constant Ante             -   154.      / Constant Sequeni.
          1°. CONSTANCY                                   Cause.
                OF SEQUENCE                                Assignment of                            Absence           of       As-
                                               155.     f      Cause.                   156.    {       signment.

          2°. CONNECTION                       157. Power.                              158. Impotence.

                    CAUSE AND                                              Degrees of Power.
                    EFFECT                     159. Strength.                            ICO. Weakness.
                                               161. Production.                          162. Destruction.

                                               163. Reproduction.                        165. Destroyer.
                                               164. Producer.

          3 °. POWER IN                        166. Paternity.                           167. Posterity.

                    OPERATION                  168. Productiveness. 169. Unproductiveness
                                               170. Agency.

                                               171. Energy.                             172. Inertness.
                                               173. Violence.                           174. Moderation.

          4 . INDIRECT                         175. Influence.
                    POWER                      176. Tendency.                           177. Liability.
          6°. COMBINATIONS                   } 178. Concurrence.

                    OF CAUSES                                                            179. Counteraction.
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