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SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES                                                                         25

                                                ' 382. Heat.                                 383. Cold.
                                                                                             385. Frigefaction.
                    2. Heat .                     384. Calefaction.                          3S7. Refrigeratory.
                                                  386. Furnace.
                                                  388. Fuel.

                                                  389. Thermometer.

                                                " 390. Taste.                                391. Insipidity.
                                                  392. Pungency.

                    3. Taste                      393.      Condiment.
                                                  394. Savouriness.                          395. Unsavouriness.

                                                  396. Sweetness.                            397. Sourness.

                    4. Odour                • {   398. Odour.                                399. Inodorousness.
                                                  400. Fragrance.
                                                                                             401. Fetor.
                                                                      1. Sound in General.
                                                  402. Sound.                                403. Silence.

                                                  404. Loudness.                            405. Faintness.

                                                  406. Snap.            2. Specific Sounds.
                                                                                            407. Roll.
                                                  408. Resonance.
                                                 410. Stridor.                              409. Sibilation.

                   5. Sound                       411. Cry.                                 412. U1illation.

                                                                       3. Musical Sounds.
                                                  413. Harmony.                             414. Discord.

                                                  415. Music.
                                                  416. Musician.

                                                  417. Musical Instruments.
                                                                    4. Perception of Sound.

                                                ^ 418. Hearing.                             419. Deafness.

                                                 420. Light.          1. Light in General.
                                                                                            421. Darkness.
                                                                                            422. Dimness.
                                                 423. Luminary.                            424. Shade.

                                                 425. Transparency.                        426. Opacity,

                                                                                           427. Semi-transparency.
                                                                         2. Specific Light.
                                                428. Colour.                               429. Achromatism.

                                                430. Whiteness.
                                                                                           431. Blackness.
                                                432. Grey.                                 433. Brown.

                  6. Light                      434. Redness.                              435. Greenness.
                                                430. Yellowness.                           437. Purple.
                                                438. Blueness.                             439. Orange.

                                                440. Variegation.
                                                                  3. Perceptions of Light.
                                                441. Vision.                               442. Blindness.

                                                444. Spectator.                            443. Dimsightedness.

                                                445. Optical Instruments.
                                                446. Visibility.                          447. Invisibility.

                                               448. Appearance.                           449. Disappearance.

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