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P. 6

SYNOPSIS                   OF CATEGORIES                                                    23

                                             244. Angularity.
                                          „ 245. Curvature.                            246. Straightness.

       2°. SPECIAL .                   *     247. Circularity.                         248. Convolution.
                                           - 249. Rotundity.

                                           ^ 250. Convexity.                          251. Flatness.
                                                                                       252. Concavity.

                                             253. Sharpness.                          254. Bluntness.
                                             255. Smoothness.                         256. Roughness.

        3°. SUPERFICIAL .                 4  257. Notch.
                                             258. Fold.
                                              259. Furrow.
                                              260. Opening.                            261. Closure.
                                              262. Perforator.

                                            ^                                          263. Stopper.

                                                         IV. MOTION

                                              264. Motion.                             265. Quiescence.
                                              206. Journey.                            267. Navigation.

         1°. MOTION IN                        268. Traveller.                          269. Mariner.
                                              270. Transference.
                   GENERAL                     271. Carrier.

                                             .272. Vehicle.                            273. Ship.                                                     . i

         2°.    DEQREE9 OF                   j 274. Velocity.                           275. Slowness.

          3 °. CONJOINED                     1276    . Impulse.                         277. Recoil.
                 WITH FORCE                   /278. Direction.                          279. Deviation.                                             li •

                                             ' 280. Percession.                         281. Sequence.

                                               282. Progression.
                                               284. Propulsion.                         283. Regression.
                                                                                        285. Traction.
                                               280. Approach.                           287. Recession.

                                               288. Attraction.                         289. Repulsion.
                                               290. Convergence.                        291. Divergence.

                                               292. Arrival.                            293. Departure.
                                               294. Ingress.                            295. Egress.

           4°. WITH REFER-                     296. Reception.                          297. Ejection.

                     ENCE TO                   298. Food.                               299. Excretion.
                     DIRECTION                 298«.Tobacco.
                                               300. Insertion.                          301. Extraction.
                                               303. Passage.                            304. Shortcoming.

                                               303. Transcursion.
                                               305. Ascent.                             306. Descent.

                                               307. Elevation.                          308. Depression.
                                               309. Leap.                               310. Plunge.
                                               311. Circuition.
                                               312. Rotation.
                                               314. Oscillation.                        313. Evolution.

                                              '315. Agitation.
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