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24                  THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS

                                                  C L A S S I I I. M A T T E R

                                                      I. MATTER IN GENERAL
                                                          316. Materiality.                          317. Immateriality.

                                                          318. World.
                                                          319. Gravity.                               320. Levity.

                                                        II. INORGANIC MATTER
                                                                                                      322. Rarity.
                                                           321. Density.
                                                           323. Hardness.                             324. Softness.
                                                                                                      326. Inelasticity.
                                                           325. Elasticity.

                   1°. SOLIDS .                     .   <  327. Tenacity.                             328. Brittleness.
                                                          329. Texture.
                                                           330. Pulverulence.

                                                           331. Friction.                             332. Lubrication               -

                   2°. FLUIDS                              333.        (  Fluidity ,                  334. Gaseity.
                            1. In General               <              t  Liquidity.
                                                           335. Liquefaction.                         336. Vaporisation.
                                                           337. Water.                                338. Air.
                                                                                                      340. Dryness.
                                                           339. Moisture.
                            2. Specific .               -  341. Ocean.                                342. Land.

                                                           343.        {  Lake.                        344. Plain.
                                                           345. Marsh.                                 346. Island.
                                                         , 347. Stream.
                            3. In Alolioti              <  348. River.                                 349. Wind.
                                                           350. Conduit.                               351. Air-pipe.

                    3° IMPERFECT                           352. Seiniliquidity.                        353. Bubble.
                                                           354. Pulpiness.
                                                                                                       355. Unctuousnesa
                               FLUIDS                                                                  356. Oil.
                                                           HI. ORGANIC MATTER

                    1°. VITALITY                           357. Organisation.                          358. Inorganisation
                                                            359. Life.                                 360. Death.

                             In General                                                                361. Killing.
                                                                                                       362. Corpse.

                                                          l                                            363. Interment.
                                                            364. Animality.                            365. Vegetability.

                                                            366. Animal.                                367. Plant.
                                                            368. Zoology.
                             Special .                   " ] 370. Cicuration.                           369. Botany.
                                                                                                        371. Agriculture.
                                                            372. Mankind.

                                                          ,373. Man.                                    374. Woman.

                     2°. SENSATION

                         (1) General                  . f 375. Sensibility                ,             376. Insensibility.
                                                                                                        378. Pain.

                                                          f 379. Touch.
                         (2) Special         —            t 377. Pleasure,
                             1. Touch.                   {                 Perceptions of

                                                       *    380.        {           Touch.              381. Numbness.
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