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SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES                                                                         29

                                                                  2. Degree of Subservience.

                                              642. Importance.                           643. Unimportance.

                                              644. Utility.                              645. Inutility.
                                              646. Expedience.                           647. Inexpedience.
                                              648. Goodness.                             649. Badness.

                                              650. Perfection.                           651. Imperfection.
                                              652. Cleanness.                            653. Uncleanness.
                                              654. Health.                               655. Disease.
                                              656. Salubrity.
                                                                                         657. Insalubrity.

           2. Subservience                    658. Improvement.                          659. Deterioration.
                                                                                         661. Relapse.
           to Ends contd. “                   660. Restoration.                          663. Bane.
                                              662. Remedy.

                                                                 3. Contingent Subservience.

                                              664. Safety.                               665. Danger.
                                              666. Refuge.                               667. Pitfall.

                                              668. Warning.

                                              669. Alarm.
                                              670. Preservation.

                                              672. Deliverance.
                                            ^ 671. Escape.

                                              673. Preparation.                          674. Non-preparation.

           3°. Precursory                     675. Essay.
                      Measures.               676. Undertaking.

                                              677. Use.                                  678. Disuse.
                                                                                         679. Misuse.


                                              680. Action.                               681. Inaction.
                                              682. Activity.                             683. Inactivity.
                                              684. Haste.
           1°. Simple.                        686. Exertion.                             685. Leisure.
                                                                                         687. Repose.
                                              688. Fatigue.                              689.      Refreshment.
                                              690. Agent.
                                            >691. Workshop.

                                              692. Conduct.
                                              693. Direction.
                                              694. Director.

                                              695. Advice.

           2°. Complex                        696. Council.
                                              697. Precept.

                                              698. Skill.                                699. Unskilfulness.
                                              700. Proficient.
                                            .702. Cunning.                               701. Bungler.
                                                                                         703. Artlessnese.
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