Henry IV Part Two | Act 1.3

York. The Archbishop’s palace.

[Enter the ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, the Lords

Thus have you heard our  cause and known our means;
And, my most noble friends, I pray you all,
Speak plainly your opinions of our hopes.

HASTINGS     Our present musters grow upon the file
To five and twenty thousand men of choice;
And our supplies live largely in the hope
Of great Northumberland, whose bosom burns
With an incensed fire of injuries.

The question then, Lord Hastings,  standeth thus;

Whether our present five and twenty thousand
May hold up head without Northumberland?

HASTINGS     With him, we may.

LORD BARDOLPH    Yea, marry, there’s the point:
But if without him we be thought too feeble,
My judgment is, we should not step too far
Till we had his assistance by the hand;
For in a theme so bloody-faced as this
Conjecture, expectation, and surmise
Of aids incertain should not be admitted.

‘Tis very true, Lord Bardolph;  for indeed

It was young Hotspur’s case at Shrewsbury.

LORD BARDOLPH     It was, my lord;
who lined himself with hope,
Eating the air on promise of supply,
Flattering himself in project of a power
Much smaller than the smallest of his thoughts:
And so, with great imagination
Proper to madmen, led his powers to death
And winking leap’d into destruction.

HASTINGS     But, by your leave, it never yet did hurt
To lay down likelihoods and forms of hope.

HASTINGS    I think we are a body strong enough,
Even as we are, to equal with the king.

is the king but five and twenty thousand?

HASTINGS     To us no more;
nay, not so much, Lord Bardolph.
For his divisions, as the times do brawl,
Are in three heads: one power against the French,
And one against Glendower; perforce a third
Must take up us: so is the unfirm king
In three divided; and his coffers sound
With hollow poverty and emptiness.

That he should draw his several strengths together

And come against us in full puissance,
Need not be dreaded.  Let us on,
And publish the occasion of our arms.
The commonwealth is sick of their own choice;
Their over-greedy love hath surfeited:
They that, when Richard lived, would have him die,
Are now become enamour’d on his grave:
Thou, that threw’st dust upon his goodly head
When through proud London he came sighing on
After the admired heels of Bolingbroke.

MOWBRAY     Shall we go draw our numbers and set on?

HASTINGS    We are time’s subjects, and time bids be gone.


[Exeunt] Act 1.2 | Act 2.1

Playlist Henry IV Part Two | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: May 25, 2021 — 4:10 pm