Titus Andronicus | Dramatis Personea

Playlist Titus Andronicus | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

 Titus Andronicus is a tragedy by Shakespeare believed to have been written between 1588 and 1593. The play is set during the latter days of the Roman Empire, and tells the fictional story of Titus, ageneral in the Roman Army, who is engaged in a cycle of revenge with Tamora, Queen of the Goths. It is Shakespeare’s bloodiest and most violent work, and traditionally, is one of his least respected plays. Although it was extremely popular in its day, it fell out of favour during the Victorian period, primarily because of what was considered to be a distasteful use of graphic violence, but from around the middle of the twentieth century, its reputation has begun to improve somewhat.

SATURNINUS: Emperor of Rome
BASSIANUS: brother to Saturninus; in love with Lavinia
TITUS ANDRONICUS: a noble Roman, general against the Goths
MARCUS ANDRONICUS: tribune of the people, brother to Titus
LUCIUS, QUINTUS, MARTIUS & MUTIUS: sons to Titus Andronicus
Young LUCIUS a boy, son to Lucius
PUBLIUS son to Marcus the Tribune
AEMILIUS: a noble Roman
ALARBUS & DEMETRIUS: sons to Tamora
CHIRON & AARON: a Moor, beloved by Tamora
A Captain, Tribune, Messenger, and Clown; Romans
TAMORA Queen of the Goths
LAVINIA daughter of Titus Andronicus

A Nurse

Senators, Tribunes, Officers,
Soldiers, and Attendants

SCENE Rome, and the country near it


Playlist Titus Andronicus | Sitemap Scenes | Plays & Info

Updated: February 18, 2024 — 4:22 pm